Cosmin PĂCURARU, PhD Abstract. Europa depinde de gazele ruseşti în mare măsură. Face eforturi pentru a nu mai folosi aşa de mulţi combustibili fosili şi se orientează către energia regenerabilă. Creşterea tensiunilor dintre Federaţia Rusă şi ţările NATO şi Uniunii Europene măreşte gradul de … [Read more...]
Dr. Cosmin Gabriel PĂCURARU Abstract. The Black Sea riparian countries have energy strategy that gives them security and predictability. Romania does not have such a strategy in force from 10 years. There are interest groups that do not want security and predictability. The Russian Federation has … [Read more...]
Cosmin Gabriel PACURARU· Abstract. Sixty years after the foundation of the European Union, we can observe that, at least in the raw material and energy domains, the initial idea of protecting the interests of the consumer, the individual, or any company, transformed into protecting the interests of … [Read more...]
Problema securitaţii energetice în SUA, China şi Rusia
Livia Irina ALEXANDRU Energy security is nowadays a very common subject, dynamic and especially interesting to study. The issue of energy security was adopted by many National Security Strategies because states depend on energy for their proper functioning, natural resources are limited and … [Read more...]
Challenges and Perspectives of Central Asia in Washington-Moscow-Beijing Geopolitical Triangle
Anna GUSSAROVA The paper is devoted to the challenges and perspectives of cooperation among Central Asian states in world geopolitics triangle. Two main integration projects - CAREC and the Eurasian Economic Union, lobbied by the Kremlin and the White House, - reflect the objective to strengthen … [Read more...]
Securitatea energetică a Golfului Persic la începutul secolului XXI
Octavia MOISE Scopul acestui articol este de a face o scurtă analiză a securității energetice în Golful Persic, luându-se în considerare mediul de securitate în secolul XXI. Ne confruntăm cu o interdependență a legăturilor comerciale, politice și geopolitice, precum și o serie de modificări … [Read more...]
Interesele SUA în regiunea Mării Caspice: alternativă la Golful Persic sau poartă de acces către Orientul Mijlociu şi Asia Centrală?
Tabriz QARAYEV Consumul mondial de energie a crescut cu 5,6% în 2010, cea mai mare creștere (în procente) din anul 1973, iar cererile de energie sunt proiectate să crească rapid în următoarele decenii, în timp ce resursele de energie sunt în continuă scădere. Din acest motiv, cei mai mari … [Read more...]
Interview of H.E. Ömür ŞÖLENDIL, Ambassador of The Republic of Turkey to Romania
Your Excellency, Turkey has become, in the last years, a Eurasian geopolitical and geostrategic actor, with important economic and politico-military assets. Political analyze indicates that Turkey is an important Eurasian bridge. As a NATO ally and EU-candidate country, Turkey will promote - on … [Read more...]
Energy Security in Poland. Case of the Policy of Energy Resources Diversification
Tomasz WISKULSKI Increased energy efficiency in the processes of generation, transmission and use of energy is one of pillar of a sustainable energy policy. It is reflected in national and international laws. To regulate related to energy efficiency include: - Directive 2006/32/EC of the European … [Read more...]
Lithuania plans to continue and even intensify its relations with the neighboring countries with the aim to contribute to creation of a stability and prosperity area in the Baltic Sea region and Central Europe
Interview of H.E. Mr. Vladimir JARMOLENKO, Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania to Romania Your Excellency, Twenty years ago Soviet Union collapsed and the landscape of Eastern and Central Europe dramatically changed. How is now the Lithuanian public opinion regarding this recent past also in … [Read more...]