2014 will be an important year in the history of Great Britain. A referendum on the independence of Scotland, once considered a nationalist dream, is now a certainty. If the people of Scotland vote yes, the implication will vibrate through Britain and beyond. The union between Britain and Scotland … [Read more...]
Gazul – instrument de politică externă al Rusiei
Dan Marcel BĂRBUȚ Harta distribuţiei globale a resurselor de gaz natural, realizată de BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2008, indică platforma continentală a Eurasiei ca fiind cea de-a doua regiune din lume bogată în gaz natural, cu o cantitate de 59,41 trilioane de metri cubi. Acelaşi raport … [Read more...]
Role of Soft Power in the new Turkish Foreign Policy: The Case of Least Developed Countries
Guliz SUTCU In the last ten years, parameters of the Turkish foreign policy (TFP) changed to an important extent. Its lines have been redrawn in accordance with the goal of becoming a global actor that pursues visionary diplomacy. The Strategic Depth doctrine provided a theoretical framework to … [Read more...]
The Importance of the Balkans in Turkish Foreign Policy
Interview with HE Ömür Şölendil - Ambassador of Turkey to Bucharest Your Excellency, What is the importance of the Balkans in Turkish foreign policy? What are the basic principles that guide Turkey’s policy towards the region? Turkey shares a common geography, a common cultural heritage, common … [Read more...]
The Arab Spring: A Warm Welcome from Tehran
Walter POSCH Tehran welcomed the “Arab Spring” almost enthusiastically; Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei likened the fall of Hosni Mubarak to that of the Shah and consequently interpreted the events of 2011 as a fulfillment of the 1979 Iranian Revolution. All Iranian decision makers of the generation … [Read more...]
Lithuania plans to continue and even intensify its relations with the neighboring countries with the aim to contribute to creation of a stability and prosperity area in the Baltic Sea region and Central Europe
Interview of H.E. Mr. Vladimir JARMOLENKO, Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania to Romania Your Excellency, Twenty years ago Soviet Union collapsed and the landscape of Eastern and Central Europe dramatically changed. How is now the Lithuanian public opinion regarding this recent past also in … [Read more...]
Ukraine – a Pawn on the European Map
Alexandru Mihai GHIGIU, Sorin TUDOSE Analyzing the east-European area after the collapse of the Soviet empire we must retain the appearance of a state which by its size, population and geopolitical position, can be considered a regional actor, whose policy should be carefully observed. That state … [Read more...]
Cum s-a furat elita Rusiei – despre vicisitudinile politicii externe a Rusiei
Convorbire cu Alexandr DUGHIN - filosof rus, doctor în ştiinţe politice, profesor la Universitatea „Lomonosov” din Moscova, Interviu realizat de Iuri KOTIONOK 02.11.2009, www.Segodnia.ru Iuri Kotionok: Schimbarea poziţiei Washingtonului faţă de scutul antirachetă, după vizita lui Obama la … [Read more...]
Geopolitical Contest in Black Sea Domain and Its Impact on Iran’s Foreign Policy
Ezatollah EZATI, Masoud ALMASI In this article the purpose is to show the geopolitical impacts of Black Sea domain on Iran's foreign policy. Iran's internal and foreign policy beside the matters about oil and the ways of transporting it through the Black Sea domain have always been under the … [Read more...]