Cosmin Gabriel PĂCURARU, PhD* Motto: „Cine controlează resursele energetice ale planetei? În principiu, cei care au o strategie pentru asta.” Mehmet Ogutcu, analist al pieţei de … [Read more...]
Interviu cu Excelenţa Sa domnul WALID OTHMAN Ambasador Extraordinar şi Plenipotenţiar al Republicii Arabe Siriene la Bucureşti Ramona Feraru: Siria a fost un partener istoric al României. Care este stadiul actual al relaţiilor bilaterale? Sunt ele în impas sau cunosc o revigorare? Da, Siria a … [Read more...]
Arabia Saudită – o nouă viziune
Vasile SIMILEANU Orientul şi cultura arabo-islamică ne-au fascinat încă din anii copilăriei. Dascălii noştri ne prezentau cu lux de amănunte ineditul şi lumea puţin cunoscută a Peninsulei Arabe. În timp, am învăţat că avem religii, limbi şi culturi diferite care ne diferenţiază şi care pot deveni … [Read more...]
Axa Bucureşti – Riyad – cooperare şi dezvoltare pentru un mediu regional stabil –
Drd. Răzvan MUNTEANU* Dragoş TÎRNOVEANU** Abstract. Textul de mai jos analizează beneficiile unei axe Bucureşti- Riyad funcţionale cel puţin din două perspective: securitate şi economie, aducând în evidenţă valorile şi obiectivele comune ale celor două state. Diplomaţia a reprezentat … [Read more...]
Nemesis: Oil and Missiles in the 21st Century
David L O HAYWARD ”The country that faced down the tyranny of fascism and communism is now called to challenged the tyranny of oil” Barack Obama, Detroit Economic Club, May 2007 Strangulation of the ‘umbilical cord’, our essential global oil supply conduit from the Arabian Gulf to major … [Read more...]
Turkey between Economic Growth and Regional Instability
Adrian Marius DOBRE Turkey, a country with a fascinating history, is located in a very important geopolitical crossroad, between Europe and the Middle East. It has often been viewed as a key player in the global economy, and was also known as an „emerging” country with a continuous economic growth … [Read more...]
Turkish Foreign Policy: A Mid-Eastern Approach
Mustafa ZIYA Turkey's foreign policy after the Cold War is re-defined as a multi-parameter and rhythmic policy. Theoretically it is structured according to the principle of strategic depth that combines geographical and historical parameters of the country, aiming to be a model country in the … [Read more...]
Oil Flows through the Persian Gulf in the Context of International Crisis Act
Marinela CARASTOIAN The material below presents the situation created by conflict between US and Iran on Persian Gulf, oil flows in the current political and economic crisis. The gulf is linked by the Strait Hormuz and Oman Gulf. In the north-west, gulf flows Shatt al-Arab river forming the … [Read more...]
Middle East Peace Scenarios Scenario 1: Water Works - Water crises led to water negotiations that built trust that peace was possible and boosted political negotiations. Momentum increased with new youth political movements, the "Salaam-Shalom" TV series … [Read more...]
The Powers of Israel – Civil Society – a New Wave of Order
Indra ALHAMBRA Israel is indirectly one of the most powerful states in the world, despite having been engaged in continuous war for over 64 years. The numerous internal paradoxes it encompasses, as well as its special attitude in international law and relations have informed the idea that the only … [Read more...]