The elected president has the education of a business man. Hence, he is likely to support investment by various measures like tax reduction for reinvested profit, state support and guarantees, etc. Obviously if taxes are reduced the federal budget will diminish thus reducing the federal programs … [Read more...]
Dr. Octavian SERGENTU* Abstract. The purpose of the research is to decrypt Russia’s role on the international arena and its place in the global order scenarios. We analyzed the Soviet legacy of Russian Intelligence and how it behaves in the present. Is it a ”pariah” state in the current … [Read more...]
Burak Şakir ŞEKER, PhD* Dimitrios DALAKLIS** Abstract. The Arctic is clearly not a recently discovered region for the discipline of international relations; its geopolitical value is extremely well acknowledged by a certain number of research efforts. Especially during the Cold War era, it was one … [Read more...]
Dr. Gh. Florin GHEŢĂU* Abstract. The missile defense system, planned by the US, in Europe, in order to protect allies from this region against the danger posed by the Iranian ballistic missiles, has generated much controversy issued especially by Russia's firm opposition to the project. Despite … [Read more...]
Confruntarea dintre viitorul califat mondial şi SUA, asistată de viitorul imperiu euroasiatic şi China
Anghel ANDREESCU Abstract. Tot ce ştim despre securitate trebuie reevaluat după evenimentele din 11 septembrie 2001, deoarece a lipsit capacitatea de anticipare şi teroriştii au profitat de această situaţie şi trebuie să înfruntăm un război asimetric. Abstract. Everything we know about security … [Read more...]
Europa post-Vilnius – de la vis la calvar
Tensions in Ukraine show that European diplomacy is weak and divided. Engaging in complicated projects, like the expansion into the former areas of the USSR, creates difficulties to EU. However, tensions in Ukraine illustrated us duplicitous policy of the EU and the ease of violating international … [Read more...]
Greater Black Sea Area: Challenges of History and Modernity – Interview with Professor Alla YAZKOVA [1. Published in Dialog of Seas Review, No.1, 2014] Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Alla YAZKOVA, Head of the Center for Black Sea – Mediterranean Studies of the Institute of Europe of the RAS in Moscow, tells about her institute’s scientific concerns related to the region of the Black and Mediterranean seas.
Geo-strategic aspects First of all, we need to determine what kind of region is that. Because both politics and scientific interpretation of political process bears two dimensions of it. The first one is the actual Black Sea region - the way it has been for centuries until the end of the Cold War … [Read more...]
Necessario Coalitum – Necesara Hegemonie
Nu suntem doar într-o criză economică. Asistăm la o criză de identitate mondială în care se contestă însăşi natura sistemului internaţional. Iar actualul sistem este gândit după chipul şi asemănarea Statelor Unite ale Americii. Hegemonul mondial. Lucrarea de faţă îşi propune să analizeze actualul … [Read more...]
Problema securitaţii energetice în SUA, China şi Rusia
Livia Irina ALEXANDRU Energy security is nowadays a very common subject, dynamic and especially interesting to study. The issue of energy security was adopted by many National Security Strategies because states depend on energy for their proper functioning, natural resources are limited and … [Read more...]
Quo vadis, Rusia? între ”Eurasia” şi ”noua politică estică a Moscovei”
Octavian SERGENTU This study attempts to make a proper assessment of geopolitical shifts that achieved Russia by advancing geopolitical paradigm "Eurasia". On the one hand, Moscow launches new geopolitical project "Eurasian Union" and on the other hand change their behavior in the Asia Pacific. … [Read more...]