Uniunea Europeană şi cea Euroasiatică Between 22 and 24 May 2013 held in Astana (the Capital of Kazakhstan), the 6th International Economic Forum. A large attendance of about 10,000 people of which 3,000 from 132 countries discussed Economic, Social and Political issues that affect the present, and … [Read more...]
Challenges and Perspectives of Central Asia in Washington-Moscow-Beijing Geopolitical Triangle
Anna GUSSAROVA The paper is devoted to the challenges and perspectives of cooperation among Central Asian states in world geopolitics triangle. Two main integration projects - CAREC and the Eurasian Economic Union, lobbied by the Kremlin and the White House, - reflect the objective to strengthen … [Read more...]
The Revival of Islam in Former Soviet Union States
Cristian BARNA Renașterea Islamului în fostele state ale Uniunii Sovietice În spaţiul post-sovietic, problema resurgenţei civilizaţiei islamice a fost percepută, la nivel internaţional, ca un conflict între Rusia şi Cecenia, conflict care a degenerat într-un război deschis, aducând în prim-plan … [Read more...]