Interview with His Excellency Bogdan AURESCU, Minister of Foreign Affairs Your Excellency, Romania initiated diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1995. What was the reason for this and why hasn’t it done before 1989? Bogdan AURESCU: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia did not have … [Read more...]
„Noul Drum al Mătăsii” – speranţe şi provocări
Populations, conquerors, cultures and ideas have swept across the steppes, deserts and mountains of Central Asia for thousands of years, and the region has been the focus of ancient East-West trade routes collectively called „The Silk Road”; it was the board on which the „Great Game” between big … [Read more...]
Evoluţia legislaţiei naţionale a României în asigurarea securităţii maritime – dificultăţi şi realizări
Raluca ENESCU Security regimes have been developed during the Cold War, but maritime regimes that protect the rights and freedom of movement of commercial shipping traffic and other emerged and asserted themselves since the time of colonial powers who sought to protect resources and trade routes in … [Read more...]
Turkey, an Active State in the International Environment
Turcia, un stat activ în mediul internaţional Valentin-Bogdan DĂNILĂ Lumea de astăzi trece printr-o perioadă de transformări fundamentale, care îi va determina dezvoltarea şi configurarea generală a relaţiilor dintre cei mai importanţi jucători în următorul deceniu. Deşi similară cu precedentele … [Read more...]
2003. Iraq, Year Zero Understanding the Errors of Yesterday to Better Understand the Current Issues
Michele BRUNELLI Most part of the recent literature over the Iraqi crisis takes into consideration the future development of a State that has been progressively dismantled by a wrong approach and a wrong policy towards the issues and the threats posed by the fall of Saddam Hussein. But the majority … [Read more...]
Interview of H.E. Ömür ŞÖLENDIL, Ambassador of The Republic of Turkey to Romania
Your Excellency, Turkey has become, in the last years, a Eurasian geopolitical and geostrategic actor, with important economic and politico-military assets. Political analyze indicates that Turkey is an important Eurasian bridge. As a NATO ally and EU-candidate country, Turkey will promote - on … [Read more...]
Marea Neagră între provocare şi oportunitate
Mădălin Bogdan RĂPAN MOTO: ,,Marea e acea moştenire la care toţi suveranii pretind că au cea mai mare îndreptăţire, dar asupra căreia drepturile oricui sunt totuşi cel mai puţin lămurite. Stăpânirea acestei stihii nu a fost nicicând cu totul garantată cuiva (…). Trebuie să fi puternic ca să … [Read more...]