Mircea C. MARIN, PhD Abstract. The space between Black and Caspian seas brings together political and cultural spaces, large markets at the contact zone between Europe and Asia in the immediate vicinity of the Major Routes, linking the two poles of Eurasia (WEST - EAST). This position focused the … [Read more...]
Dr. Vasile NAZARE* Abstract. The Ukrainian crisis - characterized by a total economic meltdown, internal conflicts between Ukrainian nationalists and pro-Russian separatists from East, South and South-East (Crimea, Odessa, Nikolaev, Kharkov, Donetsk, Luhansk), the failure of Ukrainian military to … [Read more...]
Modelarea geopolitică din perspectiva ideologică – un eşec al democraţiei?!
Drd. Octavian SERGENTU Motto: „Un bun strateg iese victorios dintr-o dispută sau dintr-un război până la începuturile acestuia, iar cel mai bun îl convinge pe inamic să cedeze fără luptă.” Arta războiului. Sun Tzu „Dacă Dumnezeu nu există, atunci totul este permis.” F. Dostoievsky Abstract. În … [Read more...]
Privind spre Eurasia: ce strategii eurasiatice poate gândi România
Mircea Codruţ MARIN This essay discusses several institutional and political cultures, perceptions and intellectual myths that shaped Romanian decision makers choices regarding Eurasian strategies during the last decade. We started with the example of Nabucco pipeline, Romania’s endeavour to … [Read more...]
Lumea în care trăim – o lume la răscruce – un paradox geopolitic contemporan –
Dr. Alex BERCA* Rezumat: Autorul face o trecere în revistă a actualei situaţii economice, politice şi sociale, care se manifestă prin diverse aspecte de cele mai multe ori imposibil de a fi controlate şi le compară cu situaţiile similare ce au existat în trecutul istoric nu prea … [Read more...]
„Noul Drum al Mătăsii” – speranţe şi provocări
Populations, conquerors, cultures and ideas have swept across the steppes, deserts and mountains of Central Asia for thousands of years, and the region has been the focus of ancient East-West trade routes collectively called „The Silk Road”; it was the board on which the „Great Game” between big … [Read more...]
Uniunea Eurasiatică: între proiectul global rus şi bloc geoeconomic
Indisputable, on the international arena, continuing debates take place over the global nature of the world also in terms of the new global geopolitical architecture. The political processes and effects that influence the international climate lead to new visions of the world balance of power, of … [Read more...]
Quo vadis, Rusia? între ”Eurasia” şi ”noua politică estică a Moscovei”
Octavian SERGENTU This study attempts to make a proper assessment of geopolitical shifts that achieved Russia by advancing geopolitical paradigm "Eurasia". On the one hand, Moscow launches new geopolitical project "Eurasian Union" and on the other hand change their behavior in the Asia Pacific. … [Read more...]
Chinese – Russian Rivalry in Central Asia
Sureyya YIGIT The post-cold war is regularly identified as being unipolar though with multipolar tendencies gaining ground. Clearly the unipolar power remains the United States with the ascending economic power being China. The role of Russia, the successor to the ex-superpower (USSR) is being … [Read more...]
Politica Turciei faţă de statele din Asia Centrală
Ionuţ CONSTANTIN After the dissolution of Soviet Union, the immediate perception of Turkish policy makers and public opinion was that Central Asia must be an area of influence. The two decades that have passed since the Turkey began to play an important role in this area were marked by several … [Read more...]