Mihaela TEODOR* Lector univ. dr. Bogdan Alexandru TEODOR** Abstract. That is what declared George Friedman, on July 7, 2017 in an article posted on the website https://geopoliticalfutures.com: „The Intermarium is a concept that I have spoken about for nearly a decade. I predicted it would rise … [Read more...]
Renaşterea Poloniei în Europa franco-germană? – testarea triunghiului de la Weimar
Our paper intends to analyze the relations set between the Weimar Triangle (France, Germany and Poland) in the light its involvement in the Ukrainian crisis with the aim to understand the essence of EU geopolitics. Recent development made many to see an emergence of Poland as a new major European … [Read more...]
Energy Security in Poland. Case of the Policy of Energy Resources Diversification
Tomasz WISKULSKI Increased energy efficiency in the processes of generation, transmission and use of energy is one of pillar of a sustainable energy policy. It is reflected in national and international laws. To regulate related to energy efficiency include: - Directive 2006/32/EC of the European … [Read more...]
Lithuania plans to continue and even intensify its relations with the neighboring countries with the aim to contribute to creation of a stability and prosperity area in the Baltic Sea region and Central Europe
Interview of H.E. Mr. Vladimir JARMOLENKO, Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania to Romania Your Excellency, Twenty years ago Soviet Union collapsed and the landscape of Eastern and Central Europe dramatically changed. How is now the Lithuanian public opinion regarding this recent past also in … [Read more...]
Sistemul geopolitic ponto-baltic
Vasile SIMILEANU Sistemul ponto-baltic este localizat în arealul cuprins între Marea Baltică - Marea Neagră - Rusia - Germania, cu centrul pe Belarus. Acest sistem, tangenţial României, conţine părţi din sistemul baltic pe axa est-vest, carpatic şi Marea Neagră, aflându-se la confluenţa culturii … [Read more...]
Polonezii din România. Trecut şi prezent
Florin PINTESCU Stanislava IACHIMOVSCHI "Însă nu oricare om care rătăceşte este un pribeag, deoarece pribeag este acel om care rătăceşte fără un ţel." (Adam Mickiewicz, Cărţile peregrinilor polonezi) În primul rând, acest articol oferă cititorului o descriere scurtă a evoluției comunității … [Read more...]