Vlad Cătălin MOCANU The paper focus on Caucasus geoIntelligence, especially on the information, based on two main ideas. On the one hand, we propose to analyze how information is gained and managed by the dominant power, Russia, and on the other hand it explains how information can juggle the … [Read more...]
Ucraina – între Est şi Vest
Catalogată drept cel mai dur test pentru securitatea europeană din secolul XXI, criza din Ucraina a reprezentat un moment de răscruce în relaţiile dintre Rusia şi Occident, marcând începutul unei perioade de divergenţe între cele două părţi. Cu un aparat de stat slăbit, o economie în pragul … [Read more...]
Problema securitaţii energetice în SUA, China şi Rusia
Livia Irina ALEXANDRU Energy security is nowadays a very common subject, dynamic and especially interesting to study. The issue of energy security was adopted by many National Security Strategies because states depend on energy for their proper functioning, natural resources are limited and … [Read more...]
Nemesis: Oil and Missiles in the 21st Century
David L O HAYWARD ”The country that faced down the tyranny of fascism and communism is now called to challenged the tyranny of oil” Barack Obama, Detroit Economic Club, May 2007 Strangulation of the ‘umbilical cord’, our essential global oil supply conduit from the Arabian Gulf to major … [Read more...]
European Union’s Energy Policy and Turkey in the Post-Cold War Era
Veysel AYHAN Growing dependency of the EU to external sources in oil and natural gas consumption, perceives as a security problem within the Union. Currently, about 80 percent of oil, consumed within the EU is exported. Beside, dependency of the EU to the natural gas resources exceeds 55 percent. … [Read more...]
Petrolul, gazele şi irakienii
Ion PETRESCU Motto: Zidurile au şoareci, iar şoarecii au urechi. Proverb irakian Cum se vede, acum, Irakul, din România? Deloc abstract. Şi, pentru mulţi conaţionali - care poartă sau au purtat uniforma militară, fiind anterior în misiuni, deloc facile, pe teritoriul irakian - este un tărâm al … [Read more...]
Iraq – High Time For Important Decisions
Robert Radu HERVIAN An important study done in the United States by a reputable Ivy League University specialized in teaching about international security affairs, environmental and resource issues as well as science and technology policies, is dedicated to Iraq’s ability to enter a major … [Read more...]
“No Blood For Oil”: The Unfinished Story of Iraq’s Oil Law
http://www.iraqenergy.org/library/interviews.php?detailof=91&content=The-Unfinished-Story-of-Iraq%27s-Oil-Law In this interview, investigative journalist Greg Muttitt talks about efforts by US occupying forces, multi-national oil giants and Iraq’s newly-minted ‘leaders’ to privatise the … [Read more...]
Are Persian Gulf Clouds Spreading into the Mediterranean Sea?
Robert Radu HERVIAN Few aspects of the American international policies are more important and more misunderstood than the country’s policies and attitudes towards the Persian Gulf Area. In February, 1945 the “USS Murphy” arrived in Jeddah. Their mission: to ferry into Egypt the King of Saudi … [Read more...]
Oil Flows through the Persian Gulf in the Context of International Crisis Act
Marinela CARASTOIAN The material below presents the situation created by conflict between US and Iran on Persian Gulf, oil flows in the current political and economic crisis. The gulf is linked by the Strait Hormuz and Oman Gulf. In the north-west, gulf flows Shatt al-Arab river forming the … [Read more...]