MA. specializarea Analiza şi Soluţionarea Conflictelor, Abstract: Despite the fact that there it exists at an assertory level an identity of interests between the Turkish State and the EU regarding Turkey's increasing role in the region as an energy hub and thus its contribution to the … [Read more...]
Geopolitica transportului de energie. Proiectele Nabucco și AGRI. Implicațiile acestora asupra posibilităților românești
Artur LAKATOS Abstract: This paper is dealing with the issue of two projects for transporting natural gas crucial for Romania’s energy security, the Nabucco and AGRI projects. Energy transport is a key issue in current geoeconomics of East-Central Europe, and covers a series of competing economic … [Read more...]
Süreyya YİĞİT, PhD* Abstract. The past decade has witnessed the European Union paying specific attention to the issue of energy security. Whilst the Russia-Ukraine gas crises of 2006 and 2009 encouraged such a measure, the annexation of Crimea highlighted that energy dependence on Russia must be … [Read more...]
Arastu HEBIBBEYLI, PhD Abstract. In 2016 Azerbaijan marked the 25th anniversary of the restoration of its state independence. Able to reinstate independence twice in the past century in 1918 and 1991, Azerbaijan carries on its ancient and prolific tradition of statehood. This also means twice … [Read more...]
Burak Şakir ŞEKER, PhD* Dimitrios DALAKLIS** Abstract. The Arctic is clearly not a recently discovered region for the discipline of international relations; its geopolitical value is extremely well acknowledged by a certain number of research efforts. Especially during the Cold War era, it was one … [Read more...]
European Union`S Alternatives to Russian Gas
Ukrainian crisis has reopened discussions about energy security and European Union is desperately seeking for alternatives to Russian gas. The energy crises of 2006 and 2009 came back into Europeans attention and such a scenario can not be experienced again in 2014. Consequential, EU leadership … [Read more...]
Problema securitaţii energetice în SUA, China şi Rusia
Livia Irina ALEXANDRU Energy security is nowadays a very common subject, dynamic and especially interesting to study. The issue of energy security was adopted by many National Security Strategies because states depend on energy for their proper functioning, natural resources are limited and … [Read more...]
Challenges and Perspectives of Central Asia in Washington-Moscow-Beijing Geopolitical Triangle
Anna GUSSAROVA The paper is devoted to the challenges and perspectives of cooperation among Central Asian states in world geopolitics triangle. Two main integration projects - CAREC and the Eurasian Economic Union, lobbied by the Kremlin and the White House, - reflect the objective to strengthen … [Read more...]
Securitatea energetică a Golfului Persic la începutul secolului XXI
Octavia MOISE Scopul acestui articol este de a face o scurtă analiză a securității energetice în Golful Persic, luându-se în considerare mediul de securitate în secolul XXI. Ne confruntăm cu o interdependență a legăturilor comerciale, politice și geopolitice, precum și o serie de modificări … [Read more...]
Interview of H.E. Ömür ŞÖLENDIL, Ambassador of The Republic of Turkey to Romania
Your Excellency, Turkey has become, in the last years, a Eurasian geopolitical and geostrategic actor, with important economic and politico-military assets. Political analyze indicates that Turkey is an important Eurasian bridge. As a NATO ally and EU-candidate country, Turkey will promote - on … [Read more...]