Interview with H.E. Mr. Farid ABDINBEYOV, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Romania Vasile SIMILEANU: Your Excellency, Azerbaijan has demonstrated, from the regaining of its independence, that it is an impactful geopolitical, geostrategic, … [Read more...]
Problema securitaţii energetice în SUA, China şi Rusia
Livia Irina ALEXANDRU Energy security is nowadays a very common subject, dynamic and especially interesting to study. The issue of energy security was adopted by many National Security Strategies because states depend on energy for their proper functioning, natural resources are limited and … [Read more...]
European Union’s Energy Policy and Turkey in the Post-Cold War Era
Veysel AYHAN Growing dependency of the EU to external sources in oil and natural gas consumption, perceives as a security problem within the Union. Currently, about 80 percent of oil, consumed within the EU is exported. Beside, dependency of the EU to the natural gas resources exceeds 55 percent. … [Read more...]
Câmpul gazeifer de la Absheron, influenţe pe scena energetică internaţională
Adriana UNGUREANU Anunțul total în luna septembrie al unei descoperiri majore de gaze naturale în blocul off-shore Absheron din Azerbaidjan a subliniat importanța regiunii Mării Caspice pe piețele mondiale de hidrocarburi. Cu toate acestea, o serie de obstacole rămân în calea proiectelor de … [Read more...]
Ukraine, Europe and Russia
Dan BĂRBUŢ Ukraine is on the edge again today, trying to find space. It is on the edge of Russia and on the edge of Europe, its old position. What makes this position unique is that Ukraine is independent and has been so for 18 years. This is the longest period of Ukrainian independence in … [Read more...]
Rusia, gigantul energetic
Nicolae GEANTĂ Rusia este binecuvântată cu o parte semnificativă a resurselor de energie ale lumii. Este situată între primele cinci țări producătoare din lume pentru toți trei combustibilii fosili: gaz natural, petrol brut și cărbune. Rusia deține cele mai mari rezerve dovedite de gaze, rezervele … [Read more...]