by Seth Frantzman The Jerusalem Post July 25, 2019 Originally published under the title "The West's Lack of Strategy Aids Tehran's Aims." Iran has one major advantage over its Western rivals in the recent tensions with the US and UK. It sees its foreign policy and military strategy … [Read more...]
Dr. Octavian SERGENTU* Abstract. The purpose of the research is to decrypt Russia’s role on the international arena and its place in the global order scenarios. We analyzed the Soviet legacy of Russian Intelligence and how it behaves in the present. Is it a ”pariah” state in the current … [Read more...]
Shams uz ZAMAN, M.Phil Abstract. The civil war in Syria is affecting the whole Middle East and other regions including EU and US. The rise of ISIS in the aftermaths of civil war in Syria is attracting foreign fighters from all over the world which is having profound implications for neighbouring … [Read more...]
Dr. Gh. Florin GHEŢĂU* Abstract. The missile defense system, planned by the US, in Europe, in order to protect allies from this region against the danger posed by the Iranian ballistic missiles, has generated much controversy issued especially by Russia's firm opposition to the project. Despite … [Read more...]
Probable Scenarios in Future Studies of Iran and Saudi Arabia Foreign Affairs, Based on Geopolitical Evolution of Arabic Zone (2025)
Mohsen ROSTAMI Abdolreza FARAJI RAD, PhD Rahim SARVAR, PhD Abstract. In this study, the researcher is looking for future studies of Iran and Saudi Arabia’s foreign relations based on transitions of Arab world. In order to have a correct and scientific research, first, this question arises … [Read more...]
The Cyber Military Balance in Gulf Region
Răzvan MUNTEANU Motto: “For governments in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), cybersecurity is just as important as military hardware”. Theodore Karasik1,. Abstract. Schimbarea paradigmei războiului aduce în discuţie importanţa capabilităţilor militare cibernetice în noua ecuaţie a puterii … [Read more...]
Hegemony of Iran in the Caspian – Central Asia Region from the Perspective of Geopolitical Realities
Housseyn RABIEE, Mosayeb GHAREHBEYGI, Seyyedeh Shahrbanou MOUSAVI At a Geostrategic view, Caspian region is an area with significant events on the axes of Central Asia, the Caucasus and India. Due to such significant, the Soviet Union intensified its played dominance in the Caspian region and … [Read more...]
Importanţa geopolitică a Azerbaidjanului în noul context internaţional – 11 noiembrie 2014 –
Monica Muţu Fundaţia „Heydar Aliyev” - Filiala din România, Asociaţia de Geopolitică „Ion Conea” - Geopolitica Club Cafe, Universitatea Româno-Americană şi Centrul de Studii Româno-Azere au organizat în data de 11 noiembrie 2014, în Sala Senatului, Universitatea Româno-Americană conferinţa … [Read more...]
Saudi Arabia vs. Iran: Religion, Identity, Legitimacy in a Geo-Political Confrontation
Saudi Arabia-Iran confrontation, while stressing a clear interest in maintaining and expanding territorial control over the huge oil resources, must at least consider the following other factors affecting their behavior: a) a different religious creed (Sunni and Shiite), although within the Muslim … [Read more...]
Obama Policy Towards Iran
Beniamin POGHOSYAN The US - Iran relations and, in particular, the Iranian nuclear program, are among the top foreign policy priorities of the Obama administration. The attention paid by the US current administration to Iran is occasioned by the Iranian influence in the Middle East, the Iranian … [Read more...]