Dr. Radu SĂGEATĂ Ierarhia europeană Sursa: Vasile Simileanu Abstract. European Union - Past, present, perspective scenarious Current European integration, begun after the Second World War, was based on ideas of reconciliation and tolerance among the nations of the Continent, grounded on common … [Read more...]
Cosmin Gabriel PĂCURARU, PhD* Motto: „Cine controlează resursele energetice ale planetei? În principiu, cei care au o strategie pentru asta.” Mehmet Ogutcu, analist al pieţei de … [Read more...]
Prof. univ. dr. Ludmila ROŞCA* Rezumat. În acest studiu autorul supune analizei diferite aspecte ale integrării regionale, cum ar fi: economic, politic, cultural. Obiectul cercetării îl constituie modelele: european şi euroasiatic, analizate din perspectiva interesului naţional al Republicii … [Read more...]
Migraţia ilegală – ameninţare reală
Conf. univ. dr. Maricel ANTIPA Migraţia prezintă riscuri de securitate pentru ţările implicate (de origine, tranzit şi destinaţie) prin efectele pe care le are asupra tuturor dimensiunilor securităţii: politic, economic, social, cultural şi militar. Pe când migraţia este administrată în toate … [Read more...]
Cetăţenii turci europeni între aspiraţie şi realitate
This paper examines the Turkish-European interaction through the lenses of the European Union integration process of Turkey and the Turkish Diaspora living in EU countries. … [Read more...]
Greece and the European Union what’s next for the Troubled Greek Economy?
This Mediterranean country dumped its own currency, the drachma, in 2001 in favor of the European Union's new single currency, the euro. As a result, it gained unprecedented footing in financial markets. With Greek debt backed by the rock-solid euro, the leadership in Athens raised billions from … [Read more...]
European Union`S Alternatives to Russian Gas
Ukrainian crisis has reopened discussions about energy security and European Union is desperately seeking for alternatives to Russian gas. The energy crises of 2006 and 2009 came back into Europeans attention and such a scenario can not be experienced again in 2014. Consequential, EU leadership … [Read more...]
Ucraina: între ”arta războiului” şi jocul ”multipolarităţii” Federaţiei Ruse
Motto: ”La Russie ne boude pas - elle se recueille”. Alexandr Gorceakov , 1856; ”Certum, quia imposible est” (maximă latină) In the specialized literature were inoculated many points of views on ethnogenesis, nature and civilization membership of Ukraine and its size geoistorical, geo-cultural … [Read more...]
Scoţia: un nou stat independent?
2014 will be an important year in the history of Great Britain. A referendum on the independence of Scotland, once considered a nationalist dream, is now a certainty. If the people of Scotland vote yes, the implication will vibrate through Britain and beyond. The union between Britain and Scotland … [Read more...]
Lumea după Snowden – scurtă privire
Abstract. In 2013, Edward Snowden, an American computer specialist, a former CIA employee, and former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor has provided to the press a series of documents by which it was revealed that the National Security Agency (NSA) has developed a mass surveillance program, … [Read more...]