Dr. Saleh Abdullah AL RAJHI* Politica Regatului Arabiei Saudite se bazează pe valori şi principii bine stabilite la care Regatul aderă fără excepţie. Ca urmare, Regatul Arabiei Saudite se axează în principal pe regiunea Golfului ca prioritate ce face parte din ciclul mai extins de politici al … [Read more...]
The European Union – an Overview
Nicholas DIMA This essay traces the history of the European Union, its evolution and enlargement, as well as the integration of the East Europe after the fall of the Soviet Union. The essay also addresses the achievements and some downfalls of the European Union, ponders the dilemmas posed by the … [Read more...]
Rethinking of Integration and Post-National Citizenship: to be a Person from Turkey in Germany
Ucar METIN We are living in a global era which is based on multiculturalism, transnationalism and denationalism. In this era, policy of immigrant is very important and shows the level of democracy. Germany and Turkey, in the global era, have multicultural societies and have to face some problems … [Read more...]
Realizing the Presence of Turkish Immigrants under the Shadow of Germany’s Integration Debate
Aksoy METIN While leaving the 50th anniversary of the immigration behind, Turkish- originated population that immigrated to Europe is over 3.5 million and the majority of the population would not think of turning back or it does not seem possible to return for some reasons. The biggest country in … [Read more...]
The National Reconciliation and Dialogue Project
In order to confirm the coherence between the Iraqi people, establishing the basis of national unity among their different components, to treat the remains of terrorism and administrative corruption, spreading the spirit of the loyal nationality to Iraq in order to build wide national front to … [Read more...]
Energy Security in Poland. Case of the Policy of Energy Resources Diversification
Tomasz WISKULSKI Increased energy efficiency in the processes of generation, transmission and use of energy is one of pillar of a sustainable energy policy. It is reflected in national and international laws. To regulate related to energy efficiency include: - Directive 2006/32/EC of the European … [Read more...]
Ukraine – a Pawn on the European Map
Alexandru Mihai GHIGIU, Sorin TUDOSE Analyzing the east-European area after the collapse of the Soviet empire we must retain the appearance of a state which by its size, population and geopolitical position, can be considered a regional actor, whose policy should be carefully observed. That state … [Read more...]
Chinese Presence in Africa: Politics and Economy
Maria PTASHKINA Since the very beginning of the Sino-African relations, China proclaimed itself as an equal partner for the African countries. The accent on equality and cooperation obviously contrasted with the way the West historically put itself towards the African continent. It is often … [Read more...]
Africa – Potential or Perpetual Promises?
Marius VĂCĂRELU African continent can be understood as one of the most important problem for the 21st century, who can play a double role: it might be able to stop a positive evolution of whole world, and, in the same time, it might be able to preserve the progress. In our opinion, Africa will be … [Read more...]