M.k. Gandhi and the Birth of Israel[1] Geoffrey COOK* ”Ierusalem, Ierusalem, convertere ad Dominum Deum tuum” The Lamentations of Jeremias[2] Most of your author’s Pakistani friends have no great respect for the ”great soul,” because they are of the opinion that his great political … [Read more...]
Relaţiile turco – israeliene într-un mediu strategic aflat în mişcare
Drd. Răzvan MUNTEANU Abstract. Textul de faţă încearcă să analizeze relaţiile turco-israeliene în noul context geopolitic regional. În ciuda unei atitudini ostile a Turciei faţă de Israel, criza siriană, chestiunea kurdă şi relaţiile economice bilaterale sunt câteva din cele mai vizibile aspecte … [Read more...]
China’s “Responsible Stakeholder” Stance – the Palestinian Case
Renata THIEBAUT China has undeniably become an emerging power in the global affairs. The gigantic dragon, with its vast population, economic growth and fast development, has gradually taking over a new status quo in the international community adopting a more proactive stance. By avoiding … [Read more...]
Pakistan and Israel: Nuclear Confrontation?
Geoffrey COOK This is a highly evolving study that will change. Therefore, legal free use is granted with the proviso that the author be contacted for quotations or citations in case the conclusions are revised through subsequent research. This Introduction is the outline of my objectives and … [Read more...]
Confronting Iran, “Protecting Israel”: The Real Reason for America’s War on Syria
Global Research, June 08, 2012 8 June 2012 Region: Middle East & North Africa Theme: US NATO War Agenda In-depth Report: SYRIA: NATO'S NEXT WAR? Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is calling for an R2P humanitarian military intervention in Syria to curb the atrocities … [Read more...]
Iranul joacă un rol decisiv în domeniul siguranţei şi chestiunilor politice din regiune
Interviu cu dr. BAHADOR AMINIAN, Ambasadorul Republicii Islamice Iran la Bucureşti Excelenţă, În literatura de specialitate din România, zona Golfului este denumită generic Golful Persic. În literatura arabă acesta este specificat ca Golful Arabiei. Vă rugăm să ne explicaţi de ce o entitate … [Read more...]
Între a fi sau a nu fi şi problema israeliano-iraniană
Alexandru Ioan PETRESCU Ar fi complet inutil şi prematur să se lanseze o acţiune militară împotriva Iranului. Agresiunea împotriva statului iranian trebuie să fie ultima formă de soluţionare a unui diferendum, dacă acesta există, fiind necesare alte forme de constrângere, şi mă gândesc la cele … [Read more...]
The Powers of Israel – Civil Society – a New Wave of Order
Indra ALHAMBRA Israel is indirectly one of the most powerful states in the world, despite having been engaged in continuous war for over 64 years. The numerous internal paradoxes it encompasses, as well as its special attitude in international law and relations have informed the idea that the only … [Read more...]
Israel’s Arabs, Living a Paradox
by Daniel Pipes The Washington Times March 22, 2012 http://www.danielpipes.org/10873/israel-arabs-paradox Can Arabs, who make up one-fifth of Israel's population, be loyal citizens of the Jewish state? With this question in mind, I recently visited several Arab-inhabited regions of Israel … [Read more...]
Terror Attacks, U.S.-Israeli War Games Raise the Prospects for War with Iran
By Tom Burghardt [1. Tom Burghardt is a researcher and activist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. In addition to publishing in Covert Action Quarterly and Global Research,, he is a Contributing Editor with Cyrano’s Journal Today. His articles can be read on Dissident Voice, Pacific Free Press, … [Read more...]