The Asia-Pacific region is clearly distinguished by the development of new geopolitical and geostrategic equations and, obviously, towards a multi polarity which will determine the Russian Federation to move absolutely freely in the area and, furthermore, on the entire Planetary Ocean. On the other … [Read more...]
Quo vadis, Rusia? între ”Eurasia” şi ”noua politică estică a Moscovei”
Octavian SERGENTU This study attempts to make a proper assessment of geopolitical shifts that achieved Russia by advancing geopolitical paradigm "Eurasia". On the one hand, Moscow launches new geopolitical project "Eurasian Union" and on the other hand change their behavior in the Asia Pacific. … [Read more...]
Uniunile economice – un viitor pilon geopolitic
Uniunea Europeană şi cea Euroasiatică Between 22 and 24 May 2013 held in Astana (the Capital of Kazakhstan), the 6th International Economic Forum. A large attendance of about 10,000 people of which 3,000 from 132 countries discussed Economic, Social and Political issues that affect the present, and … [Read more...]