Jad El KHANNOUSSI, PhD* Abstract. In the last decade, Africa in general and its eastern part (the African Horn) in particular, witnessed an intense Russian diplomatic activity. The latter began with a series of visits in due course by Vladimir Putin, as well as Dmitri Medvedev. A few visits that … [Read more...]
Dr. Vasile NAZARE* Abstract. Russia's ambition to regain its former superpower position can easily be noticed in the context of certain major political and military events which define and influence both Russia's internal political life and the future of its regional and international … [Read more...]
CRIZA EUROPEI ŞI RESETAREA PROCESELOR DE INTEGRARE EUROPEANĂ – Premisele, împrejurimile şi consecinţele Summitului de la Bratislava
http://jurnal.md/ro/economic/2017/9/7/bbc-irlanda-de-nord-va-avea-un-alt-acord-pentru-brexit/ dr. Artur LAKATOS Abstract. This essay is dealing with the issue of the proceedings, settings, and consequences of the informal Bratislava Summit of the leaders of the European Union. In the invitation … [Read more...]
Greater Black Sea Area: Challenges of History and Modernity – Interview with Professor Alla YAZKOVA [1. Published in Dialog of Seas Review, No.1, 2014] Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Alla YAZKOVA, Head of the Center for Black Sea – Mediterranean Studies of the Institute of Europe of the RAS in Moscow, tells about her institute’s scientific concerns related to the region of the Black and Mediterranean seas.
Geo-strategic aspects First of all, we need to determine what kind of region is that. Because both politics and scientific interpretation of political process bears two dimensions of it. The first one is the actual Black Sea region - the way it has been for centuries until the end of the Cold War … [Read more...]