The ‘Rising China’ phenomenon is known to be one of the most significant events of the 21st Century which is causing tensions amongst the polar powers. The U.S. gradual shift from asymmetric level of warfare to a more traditional form of rivalry, apparent from the rebalancing act in Asia mainly due … [Read more...]
Экономический пояс шелкового пути: вариативность системы безопасности в Евразии (Silk Road Economic Belt: the Variability of the Security System in Eurasia)
The article covers the conceptual-theoretical and practical implications of Kazakhstan’s foreign policy in the context of initiating and developing Asian security maintenance processes, as well as the enhancing of such multilateral cooperation institutes’ efficiency in Asia-Pacific as Shanghai … [Read more...]
Quo vadis, Rusia? între ”Eurasia” şi ”noua politică estică a Moscovei”
Octavian SERGENTU This study attempts to make a proper assessment of geopolitical shifts that achieved Russia by advancing geopolitical paradigm "Eurasia". On the one hand, Moscow launches new geopolitical project "Eurasian Union" and on the other hand change their behavior in the Asia Pacific. … [Read more...]
Regionalization in Asia and Asia Pacific: a New Turn
Maria PTASHKINA “Asia's development is not only changing the destiny of the Asian people, but also exerting a growing impact on the development of the world.” Hu Jintao In the modern world there is a clear evidence of increasing cooperation at both global and regional levels. Asia’s … [Read more...]
Geopolitică şi geoeconomie în zona de contact Asia-Pacific
Nicolae POPA În lumea actuală, zona Asia-Pacific şi dinamismul său economic au devenit obsesii pentru gândirea europeană şi nord americană. Vechile tradiţii de reflecţii româneşti asupra Orientului şi mai ales asupra Chinei și interesele legitime ale ţării noastre de a cultiva interacţiunea cu … [Read more...]