Ph.D.c Lucian MILICĂ Ph.D. at the University Complutense of Madrid, Department of Human Geography Abstract. At the stage of regional geoeconomic multipolar gigantism, along with the unipolar des-globalization, the double regional integration both geopolitical and geoeconomic which is proposed … [Read more...]
Armenia between Eurasian and European Union
Since 2012 the post soviet space geopolitics is mainly focused on the development of the two competing integration projects; Eurasian Economic Union (EEC) launched by Russia and EU Eastern Partnership (EP) program started in 2009 in Prague with offering of Association Agreements (AA) between EU and … [Read more...]
Quo vadis, Rusia? între ”Eurasia” şi ”noua politică estică a Moscovei”
Octavian SERGENTU This study attempts to make a proper assessment of geopolitical shifts that achieved Russia by advancing geopolitical paradigm "Eurasia". On the one hand, Moscow launches new geopolitical project "Eurasian Union" and on the other hand change their behavior in the Asia Pacific. … [Read more...]
Proiectul Eurasia al administraţiei Putin
Valentin MUNTEANU Eurasia is, without doubt, the most problematic and disputed geopolitical field in the entire world. Ever since the first geopolitical writings of Mahon and Mackinder, until the writings of the nowadays geopoliticians, Dugin or Brzezinski, much has been said about the history and … [Read more...]
De la ”Revoluţiile Colorate” la ”Primăvara Arabă”: dinamica geopolitică în spaţiul post-sovietic
Eduard ŢUGUI Revoluţiile care au cuprins lumea arabă, în 2011, marchează nu numai reconfigurări geopolitice în Orientul Mijlociu Extins sau o nouă evoluție socială în statele arabe. Geopolitica zonei post-sovietice cunoaște, de asemenea, schimbări dramatice sub influența evenimentelor din lumea … [Read more...]