„Cine nu ştie de limite se transformă într-un limitat...”[2] (!) Larisa N. HAREA* Abstract. Pornim de la vechea ştiinţă GEOGRAFIA, care reliefează în prezent un fel de geocentrism[3] în relaţiile internaţionale - dimensiunea care a dat naştere şi direcţionează la crearea unui spectru de cercetare … [Read more...]
Geopolitics and Energy Strategies of the South Caucasus – Azerbaijan in Spotlight – March 17, 2014
A conference entitled “Geopolitics and energy strategies of the South Caucasus - Azerbaijan in spotlight” has been held in Bucharest with the support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. The event was attended by Azerbaijani MPs, Romanian intellectuals, writers, political analysts, heads of … [Read more...]
Greater Black Sea Area: Challenges of History and Modernity – Interview with Professor Alla YAZKOVA [1. Published in Dialog of Seas Review, No.1, 2014] Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Alla YAZKOVA, Head of the Center for Black Sea – Mediterranean Studies of the Institute of Europe of the RAS in Moscow, tells about her institute’s scientific concerns related to the region of the Black and Mediterranean seas.
Geo-strategic aspects First of all, we need to determine what kind of region is that. Because both politics and scientific interpretation of political process bears two dimensions of it. The first one is the actual Black Sea region - the way it has been for centuries until the end of the Cold War … [Read more...]
Regiunea Mării Negre şi Asia Centrală. Interacţiuni geopolitice
The fall of the socialist regimes in Eastern Europe and the dissolution of the USSR, in the last decade of the twentieth century, reactivated the Black Sea Region and Central Asia on the world scene. The two regions attracted the attention of the international community as potential zones of … [Read more...]
Energy Resources at the Eastern Mediterranean Basin: a Solution for the EU’s Debt Crisis or a Point of Friction?
Dimitrios DALAKLIS The so-called “classical geopolitical theories” are still valid as explanatory tools of the Mediterranean's eastern basin role in the wider context of international relations; they can also provide the necessary framework for examining the turbulent events which take place in the … [Read more...]
Interests of European Union in the Caucasus
Khatire HACIYEVA EU has special interests in mineral and particular energy resources of the region, as well as transit opportunities due to access of the region to Asia and the Pacific. So, stabilization of the region has special importance both in respect of stabile export and transit of energy … [Read more...]
Azerbaidjanul şi competiţia pentru Eurasia
Marian Vasile NAZARE Complexitatea problemelor geo-economice, geopolitice și geostrategice (statutul juridic al mării teritoriale și regimul, dezbaterile nelichidate referitoare la procedurile de diferențiere și criteriile de proprietate și ocuparea forței de muncă, tranzitul resurselor energetice … [Read more...]
South Caucasus is Close to the Black Sea Region and EU – Interview of H.E. Mr. Eldar HASANOV, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Romania
Your Excellency, during Your mandate the relations between our countries have developed significantly. From this point of view your activity to promote interests of Azerbaijan and Romania are known. What is the role of our countries in the changing geopolitics of the Black Sea region? Historic … [Read more...]
USA in the Persian Gulf
Seyed AKBAR The Persian Gulf as world's largest strategic area has become the area of the international rivalry for energy resources. The gaining control over this area is geostrategically an important issue for the Americans. The Second World War heralded the end of European domination, however , … [Read more...]
Geopolitica energiei în Asia Centrală – Turkmenistan – pivot geopolitic sau actor geostrategic?
Inessa BABAN Din octombrie 2009, resursele de energie ale Turkmenistanului au fost în centrul unei polemici internaționale, ale cărei surse sunt ziarul rus Nezavisimaia Gazeta și organizația non-guvernamentală germană "Eurasia Group de tranziție" (ETG). Obiectul acestei controverse este un audit … [Read more...]