The elected president has the education of a business man. Hence, he is likely to support investment by various measures like tax reduction for reinvested profit, state support and guarantees, etc. Obviously if taxes are reduced the federal budget will diminish thus reducing the federal programs … [Read more...]
SITUAŢIA GEOSTRATEGICĂ DIN UCRAINA – GeoPolitica Club România® – aprilie 2017, Bucureşti
Monica MUŢU Universitatea Naţională de Apărare „Carol I” şi Geopolitica Club România - Revista GeoPolitica® ne-au invitat la Conferinţa - dezbatere „Situaţia geostrategică din Ucraina”, desfăşurată miercuri, 26 aprilie 2017 la Universitatea Naţională de Apărare, Bucureşti. În preambulul … [Read more...]
Common History, Common Interests: Geostrategic Role of Turkey in the Opinion of Polish Media and Researchers
Jakub ŻAK, PhD Przemysław ŁUKASIK, PhD Today, Polish political support for Turkey's EU membership is the result of the heritage of historical relationships and is visible in the interest of Polish media in Turkey1. The main issues, as it is emphasized, that bring the interests of Turkey and Poland … [Read more...]
Quo vadis, Rusia? între ”Eurasia” şi ”noua politică estică a Moscovei”
Octavian SERGENTU This study attempts to make a proper assessment of geopolitical shifts that achieved Russia by advancing geopolitical paradigm "Eurasia". On the one hand, Moscow launches new geopolitical project "Eurasian Union" and on the other hand change their behavior in the Asia Pacific. … [Read more...]
Caucasia: Crossroads of Gatherings and Separations
KAFKASYA: BULUŞMALARA VE AYRILIKLARA KAVŞAK OLAN BÖLGE Bu makalede Kafkasya 'nın jeostratejik, jeopolitik, jeoekonomik, jeokültürel ve sosyokültürel önemini ön plana çıkartan veriler değerlendirilmiştir. Kafkasya 'nın sosyokültürel dokusu, doğanın sunduğu coğrafi koşullar ve etnik unsurların … [Read more...]
Elucidate Pattern of Competition in Geopolitical Regions – Case Study: Central Eurasia –
Reza Hosseinpour-e POUYAN In the World geopolitical structure, competitive range covers around the world, but in terms of priority and importance in several important core areas is focused that Central Eurasia is one of these areas. Champion over central Eurasia, which is competing aspects … [Read more...]