NATO'S ROLE IN THE GEOPOLITICS OF THE SOUTH CAUCASUS Benyamin POGHOSYAN, PhD Key words: NATO, Russia, US, EU, South Caucasus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Geopolitics NATO'S RELATIONS WITH REGIONAL STATES NATO has been involved in the South Caucasus after the collapse of the Soviet Union. … [Read more...]
Florian OLTEANU, PhD Abstract. The Region of Caucasus represents a portion of territory between Caspian and Black Sea, where are located Caucasus Mountains, with the highest point on Elbrus (5,642 m) where according to the legend, the titan Prometheus was enchained at the order of Zeus, after he … [Read more...]
Greater Black Sea Area: Challenges of History and Modernity – Interview with Professor Alla YAZKOVA [1. Published in Dialog of Seas Review, No.1, 2014] Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Alla YAZKOVA, Head of the Center for Black Sea – Mediterranean Studies of the Institute of Europe of the RAS in Moscow, tells about her institute’s scientific concerns related to the region of the Black and Mediterranean seas.
Geo-strategic aspects First of all, we need to determine what kind of region is that. Because both politics and scientific interpretation of political process bears two dimensions of it. The first one is the actual Black Sea region - the way it has been for centuries until the end of the Cold War … [Read more...]
Armenian Diaspora in Iran Reciprocal Relationships – Historical Roots
Murtaza HASANOV, Nasrin SULEYMANLI The South Caucasus’ are at the center of current intensive world interest by the major powers. The main reason for this interest in the South Caucasus’ is its strategic position, its large energy resources and easy transport routes. Both the West and regional … [Read more...]
The US Policy in the South Caucasus: from “Soft Power” to “Smart Power” via “Hard Power”. The Role of Azerbaijan in the US South Caucasus Strategy
Zaur SHIRIYEV, Inessa BABAN The first objective of article is to analyze the evolution of US foreign policy in the South Caucasus by means of three concepts, “soft power”, “hard power” and “smart power” which have been developed under the Bill Clinton, George W.Bush and respectively, Barack Obama … [Read more...]
Evoluţii şi perspective geoeconomice ale Rusiei în zona Caucazului de Sud – între conflict şi cooperare –
Nicolae BĂCILĂ Lucrarea se concentrează asupra factorilor economici, în special în domeniul energiei, ca factor principal al relațiilor în evoluție ale Rusiei cu Caucazul de Sud state din conflict la necesitatea cooperării, în scopul de a menține dominația economică și de a promova modernizarea și … [Read more...]
Noi dimensiuni strategice ale Uniunii Europene la începutul secolului al XXI-lea
Mădălina Virginia ANTONESCU În cadrul acestui articol încercăm să analizăm actualele strategii ale UE în ceea ce privește așa-numita "regiune a Caucazului de Sud" (ca regiune geopolitică compusă din statele Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Georgia), în calitate de PEV, Sinergia Mării Negre sau Parteneriatul … [Read more...]