Dr. Tiberiu TĂNASE cercetător asociat, Universitatea Creştină ”Dimitrie Cantemir”, Bucureşti Abstract. The need for cooperation in the field of intelligence is a matter of will and necessity for the countries of the euro-atlantic space, being a conclusion reached by not only specialists from other … [Read more...]
Drd. Alexandru Cristinel CHIŢU* Abstract. The geopolitical redefinition of Romania is related both to the global geopolitical conjuncture and to internal factors such as the population’s level of education or their ability to cooperate on the fulfillment of a nation-wide project. The multiplication … [Read more...]
On Cyber Threats: Lessons Learned from the Ukrainian Case
Mihaela TEODOR, PhD Abstract. Octombrie este Luna Europeană a securităţii cibernetice, o campanie de advocacy a Uniunii Europene destinată să promoveze securitatea cibernetică în rândul cetăţenilor, pentru a schimba percepţia lor privitor la ameninţările cibernetice şi să furnizeze informaţie … [Read more...]
Saudi Arabia And Romania – Complements and Similarities
Ionuţ PURICĂ Saudi Arabia and Romania are similar in terms of having been at different times of their history very large suppliers of crude oil. This creates opportunities for extended cooperation between the two countries. At the same time there are complementarities that could strengthen … [Read more...]
Naval Forces of Saudi Arabia on the Threshold of Decisive Modernization
Romulus HÂLDAN The Naval Forces of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are in front of the most extensive modernization in over 50 years of existence and the options that will be validated will set up its definitive status of modern naval power and, why not, major naval power, which will have a very … [Read more...]
The Bucharest – Riyādh Axis – Cooperation and Development Towards a Stable Regional Environment
Răzvan MUNTEANU, Dragoș TÂRNOVEANU The underlying text analyzes the benefits of a functional Bucharest - Riyādh axis from at least two perspectives: security and economy, thus bringing forth the common values and objectives of the two states. Diplomacy has always been a strong point for the … [Read more...]
Facing Global Challenges in a Spirit of Determination by Prince Saud AL FAISAL – Minister of Foreign Affairs
Prince Saud AL FAISAL - Minister of Foreign Affairs The world is undergoing enormous changes that have affected security and political realities across the Middle East. Many states in the region are facing threats to their very existence; others have managed to pave a road to security and stability … [Read more...]
Saudi Arabia – a new Vision
Vasile SIMILEANU Ever since childhood the Middle East and the Arab-Islamic culture fascinated us. Our teachers showed us in great detail the novelty and the less known world of the Arab Peninsula. Over the years, we learned that we have different religions, different languages and different … [Read more...]
Puncte de vedere privind cooperarea în domeniul Intelligence-ului în cadrul UE și necesitatea dezvoltării cooperării între Uniunea Europeană şi Alianţa Nord-Atlantică
Tiberiu TĂNASE Cooperation in the field of Intelligence brings in a new phase: moving the center of gravity from sharing general information to cooperation in certain cases and action, as means to turn to optimal account the potential of the partners involved. In such circumstances it is necessary … [Read more...]
„Noul Drum al Mătăsii” – speranţe şi provocări
Populations, conquerors, cultures and ideas have swept across the steppes, deserts and mountains of Central Asia for thousands of years, and the region has been the focus of ancient East-West trade routes collectively called „The Silk Road”; it was the board on which the „Great Game” between big … [Read more...]