Jakub ŻAK, PhD Przemysław ŁUKASIK, PhD Today, Polish political support for Turkey's EU membership is the result of the heritage of historical relationships and is visible in the interest of Polish media in Turkey1. The main issues, as it is emphasized, that bring the interests of Turkey and Poland … [Read more...]
A Lesson in History: From the Bible to the Cyber Terrorism
Robert Radu HERVIAN The subject: the cyberspace war, a complicated, asymmetric and extremely diverse, an almost inhuman competition, involving the entire globe; a borderless globe, operating in cyberspace rather than on the ground, subject to no nation and impeded by no language barrier; above … [Read more...]
Italy behind Europe: Limited Sovereignty and Integration
Pietro TORNESE The purpose of this paper is to analyze Italy's historical attitude towards the European integration, in order to determine the role played by Rome in the inception of the European communities. One of the six founding members, Italy elects 73 europarliamentarians, making the … [Read more...]
The European Union – an Overview
Nicholas DIMA This essay traces the history of the European Union, its evolution and enlargement, as well as the integration of the East Europe after the fall of the Soviet Union. The essay also addresses the achievements and some downfalls of the European Union, ponders the dilemmas posed by the … [Read more...]
Turkish Culture from Asia to Anatolia
Ibrahim Imran OZTAHTALI, Birgul YESILOGLU GULER According to a generally accepted approach, the concept of culture is assessed as all material and spiritual information, consciousness and accumulation that were owned by societies from the past. Lifestyles, customs and traditions, morals, the … [Read more...]
Security Service of Ukraine History, Structure and Activities. Role of SUU as an Instrument of International Cooperation
I.M. GRYNENKO After the proclamation of Ukraine's independence on August 24, 1991, there immediately arose the question of the liquidation of the Soviet national security system and the creation of new government institutions to protect Ukraine's sovereignty and accomplish other objectives in the … [Read more...]
The Cyclical Course Of History in the U.S.
Gorraiz Lopez German The fickle and cyclical evolution of history, could make two U.S. presidents (separated in time by about 50 years), were united by economic recession and the wars that will receive as an inheritance. So, Obama and Kennedy would pass into hi. The cyclical course of History in … [Read more...]
The Military Technical Academy of Bucharest about the Academy
The Military Technical Academy (MTA) of Bucharest is a military higher education institution subordinated to the Ministry of Defence and part of the national educational system, which, in its competence domain, fulfils education and scientific research missions, and works based on Romania’s … [Read more...]
Historical and Conceptual Background of Turkey’s Security Perspective as a Euro Atlantic Country
Sibel SAFI Established in 1923, following a costly war of independence against the occupying powers, the security of the Republic of Turkey has been dictated by two main elements: geography and longstanding ties with the countries in her region. These two determinants make Turkey a key security … [Read more...]
Evreii din România: istorie, cultură, viaţă culturală comunitară
Hary KULLER În cele patru părți, studiul de față prezintă următorii itemi: (1) sursele istoriografiei privitoare la comunitatea evreiască română; (2) demografia și emigrația iudaice; (3) acculturația evreiască-română. Contribuția evreiască la domenii precum: științele exacte și aplicate, … [Read more...]