Ucar METIN We are living in a global era which is based on multiculturalism, transnationalism and denationalism. In this era, policy of immigrant is very important and shows the level of democracy. Germany and Turkey, in the global era, have multicultural societies and have to face some problems … [Read more...]
Realizing the Presence of Turkish Immigrants under the Shadow of Germany’s Integration Debate
Aksoy METIN While leaving the 50th anniversary of the immigration behind, Turkish- originated population that immigrated to Europe is over 3.5 million and the majority of the population would not think of turning back or it does not seem possible to return for some reasons. The biggest country in … [Read more...]
Image and Demography: New Wars for United States
Marius VĂCĂRELU Historically, other immigrant groups have had what we might call a lumpy distribution in the United States. They have lived in ethnic enclaves, and while they might have dominated in those neighborhoods and influenced surrounding politics, no one group simply overwhelmed any region … [Read more...]
Aspecte culturale ale relaţiilor intergrupale – procesul de aculturaţie
Maria Cristina CHIRU Aculturația este schimbul de caracteristici culturale care rezultă când grupurile vin în contact continuu direct; modele originale ale unuia sau ambelor grupuri pot fi alterate, dar grupurile rămân distincte. Antropologii au desemnat termenul aculturație pentru a descrie … [Read more...]