Anul XV, nr. 72 (4 / 2017) SUMAR EDITORIAL Vasile SIMILEANU - Paradoxala Africă „fluidă” GEOPOLITICĂ Constantin ONIŞOR - Uniunea Europeană: extindere precaută sud-transmediteraneană Gheorghe DUMITRU - Africa de Nord, prin „Primăvara Arabă” la timpul prezent. Evaluări şi puncte de vedere … [Read more...]
Interview with H.E. Mr. Teodor MELEŞCANU, Minister of Foreign Affairs Vasile SIMILEANU: Excellency, Since its first issue, GeoPolitica magazine has sought to set a certain standard and an attitude within Romania's specialty scientific environment. The geopolitical, … [Read more...]
Dacă Moldova vrea să se unească cu România, Rusia nu mai poate face nimic
Interviu cu Edward LUTTWAK, consultantul de origine română la care apelează Pentagonul „Societatea românească este mult mai bună decât politica românească, aşa că politica are de recuperat.” Declaraţia îi aparţine unuia dintre cei mai apreciaţi strategi militari din lume, Edward Luttwak. … [Read more...]
Greece and the European Union what’s next for the Troubled Greek Economy?
This Mediterranean country dumped its own currency, the drachma, in 2001 in favor of the European Union's new single currency, the euro. As a result, it gained unprecedented footing in financial markets. With Greek debt backed by the rock-solid euro, the leadership in Athens raised billions from … [Read more...]
Ucraina – între Est şi Vest
Catalogată drept cel mai dur test pentru securitatea europeană din secolul XXI, criza din Ucraina a reprezentat un moment de răscruce în relaţiile dintre Rusia şi Occident, marcând începutul unei perioade de divergenţe între cele două părţi. Cu un aparat de stat slăbit, o economie în pragul … [Read more...]
Turcia-România: Geopolitică şi diplomaţie la Marea Neagră – 135 de ani de relaţii diplomatice – 19 martie 2014 –
Ambasada Republicii Turcia din Bucureşti, Asociaţia Oamenilor de Afaceri Turci din România - TIAD şi Asociaţia de Geopolitică Ion Conea - AGIC au organizat în data de 19 martie 2014 conferinţa „TURCIA-ROMÂNIA: Geopolitică şi diplomaţie la Marea Neagră - 135 de ani de relaţii diplomatice.” … [Read more...]
Creşterea insecurităţii la nivel global – un fenomen de neevitat
Marius VĂCĂRELU In the last decades the security problems appeared and become bigger, because it increased the proportion of vulnerabilities in every country and politicians was unable to fix them or to stop their increasing. This group of vulnerabilities is consequence of huge number of planet … [Read more...]
The European Union – an Overview
Nicholas DIMA This essay traces the history of the European Union, its evolution and enlargement, as well as the integration of the East Europe after the fall of the Soviet Union. The essay also addresses the achievements and some downfalls of the European Union, ponders the dilemmas posed by the … [Read more...]
Turkey’s Outstanding Record in Economy and Democracy
Güven GÜNGÖR There are some countries whose name is mostly pronounced during last decade. Especially the global economic downturn highlighted the performance of those countries among which Turkey is considered as a special case. Being one of the most important actor in its region and in global … [Read more...]
Chinese Presence in Africa: Politics and Economy
Maria PTASHKINA Since the very beginning of the Sino-African relations, China proclaimed itself as an equal partner for the African countries. The accent on equality and cooperation obviously contrasted with the way the West historically put itself towards the African continent. It is often … [Read more...]