Mahmood SOHAIL, PhD A comprehensive counterterrorism would employ two tools or approaches: the harder ones using military force and the softer ones based on strengthening society and ameliorating the very conditions that were conducive for the growth of terrorism in the first place. It was … [Read more...]
The European Union – an Overview
Nicholas DIMA This essay traces the history of the European Union, its evolution and enlargement, as well as the integration of the East Europe after the fall of the Soviet Union. The essay also addresses the achievements and some downfalls of the European Union, ponders the dilemmas posed by the … [Read more...]
Chinese Presence in Africa: Politics and Economy
Maria PTASHKINA Since the very beginning of the Sino-African relations, China proclaimed itself as an equal partner for the African countries. The accent on equality and cooperation obviously contrasted with the way the West historically put itself towards the African continent. It is often … [Read more...]
Africa – Potential or Perpetual Promises?
Marius VĂCĂRELU African continent can be understood as one of the most important problem for the 21st century, who can play a double role: it might be able to stop a positive evolution of whole world, and, in the same time, it might be able to preserve the progress. In our opinion, Africa will be … [Read more...]
Yitzhak Rabin and the Price of Peace (in the Middle East)
Steven Alan SAMSON The beauty of Israel is slain upon thy high places; how are the mighty fallen! (2 Sam. 1:19) The assassination of Israeli's prime minister, Yitzhak Rabin, and moments after speaking of his hopes for peace at a large public rally in Tel Aviv late in 1995 gave his death the … [Read more...]
In Mideast, Bet On A Strong Horse
Daniel PIPES The violence and cruelty of Arabs often perplexes Westerners. Not only does the leader of Hizbullah proclaim "We love death," but so too does, for example, a 24-year-old man who last month yelled "We … [Read more...]
Strategii energetice în Asia Centrală
Nicolae GEANTĂ Strategia energetică în Asia Centrală. Un adevărat magnet pentru Europa, depozitele din Asia Centrală (conservate de sovietici), au devenit zone de interes pentru Rusia, care dorește să consolideze și să liberalizeze poziția sa în raport cu regiunea. În consecință, jocul de … [Read more...]
Uniunea Pentru Mediterana sau noul “Great Game”
Nicolae GEANTĂ Strategiile care se petrec pe piaţa globală pentru petrol, manevre şi influenţă au determinat "Marele Joc" pentru Mediterana. Uniunea pentru Mediterana, cunoscută şi ca Procesul Barcelona, generat la summitul celor 40 ţări care s-au întâlnit la 13 iulie 2008 în Paris (unde singurul … [Read more...]
A New Definition of Geopolitics
Mohammad Reza HAFEZNIA O nouă definiţie a geopoliticii Geopolitica, de la crearea ei de R. Kjellen în 1899, a cunoscut urcuşuri şi coborâşuri, şi a avut utilizări diferite în diferite ocazii. Din acest motiv nu a existat o definiţie comprehensivă pentru a-i arăta identitatea ştiinţifică. Printre … [Read more...]