Cosmin Gabriel PĂCURARU, PhD* Abstract. Any information has a potential economic impact. The economic and cyber wars are present in the geopolitical realities of today. The presence of decryption centers and various think-tanks are necessary for analyzing and elaborating predictions with a high … [Read more...]
Veselin VUKOTIC, PhD* Maja DRAKIC-GRGUR** Abstract. We live in the time when collective entities of all kind are being crashed, when they go through invisible substantial transformation. The dominant social paradigm is moving focus from collective to an individual. This paper analyses the … [Read more...]
Greece and the European Union what’s next for the Troubled Greek Economy?
This Mediterranean country dumped its own currency, the drachma, in 2001 in favor of the European Union's new single currency, the euro. As a result, it gained unprecedented footing in financial markets. With Greek debt backed by the rock-solid euro, the leadership in Athens raised billions from … [Read more...]
Creşterea insecurităţii la nivel global – un fenomen de neevitat
Marius VĂCĂRELU In the last decades the security problems appeared and become bigger, because it increased the proportion of vulnerabilities in every country and politicians was unable to fix them or to stop their increasing. This group of vulnerabilities is consequence of huge number of planet … [Read more...]
The European Union – an Overview
Nicholas DIMA This essay traces the history of the European Union, its evolution and enlargement, as well as the integration of the East Europe after the fall of the Soviet Union. The essay also addresses the achievements and some downfalls of the European Union, ponders the dilemmas posed by the … [Read more...]
Chinese Presence in Africa: Politics and Economy
Maria PTASHKINA Since the very beginning of the Sino-African relations, China proclaimed itself as an equal partner for the African countries. The accent on equality and cooperation obviously contrasted with the way the West historically put itself towards the African continent. It is often … [Read more...]
Uniunea Pentru Mediterana sau noul “Great Game”
Nicolae GEANTĂ Strategiile care se petrec pe piaţa globală pentru petrol, manevre şi influenţă au determinat "Marele Joc" pentru Mediterana. Uniunea pentru Mediterana, cunoscută şi ca Procesul Barcelona, generat la summitul celor 40 ţări care s-au întâlnit la 13 iulie 2008 în Paris (unde singurul … [Read more...]
The Regionalisation of Markets and the Complementarity of Economies as Factors for Social Stability and Geopolitical Equilibrium
Tiberio GRAZIANI In recent years, the process of fragmentation (balkanisation) of the world and the globalisation of national or regional markets have converged, synergistically, to support the hegemony of the main global actor, the United States of America, and consequently, of the pressure groups … [Read more...]