In order to confirm the coherence between the Iraqi people, establishing the basis of national unity among their different components, to treat the remains of terrorism and administrative corruption, spreading the spirit of the loyal nationality to Iraq in order to build wide national front to confront challenges and to regain the pioneer position of Iraq regionally and internationally …for all that we release the initiative of national reconciliation and dialogue that depends on two basic elements:
1. The reliable procedure.
2. Principles and required policies.
First: Procedures
A. Forming national head committee (the head National Committee of National Reconciliation and Dialogue project) contains representatives from the three authorities, the state minister of the national dialogue and representatives from the parliamentary slates.
B. Forming sub-committees in the governorates by the head national committee, it takes over the tasks of the committee to expand the reconciliation horizontally.
C. Forming field committees to put horizontal cultural and media conceptions, follow up the process of reconciliation and evaluating it stages.
D. Held conferences for the different slices of life such as:
1. Conference to the religious leaders to support the reconciliation process and announcing (Fatwa) to convince people.
2. Conference to the heads of tribes issues covenant of honor to confront the state fighting and fighting terrorism.
3. Conference to the effective political parties pledge to support the government, protect the political process and confront the terrorist challenge and corruption.
4. Calling all the NGOs to carry out activities, conferences, education campaigns to achieve the aims of reconciliation plan.
Second: The Principles and Policies Required
1. Adopting a political reasonable address by the political powers that take part in the political process, and by the government to bring back the alternating currents and to achieve media neutralism.
2. Adopting an honest national dialogue in dealing with all political visions and stances, which are opposite to those of the government in the political process.
3. Adopting the legal and constitutional legitimacy to solve the country’s problems and to put an end to the assassination phenomenon.
4. The political powers, involved in the government should take a rejecting stance against the terrorists and Saddam’s followers. This is a Government of Iraq Document. It is included without prejudice to mutual commitments to be agreed in the framework of the compact.
5. Issuing an amnesty to the prisoners who are not involved in crimes against humanity or terrorist acts and forming committees to set them free immediately. The insurgent who seeks to gain the amnesty opportunity has to denounce violence, support the national government and to obey the rule of law.
6. Preventing human rights violations, working on reforming the prisons and punishing those responsible for torture crimes and allowing the international organizations to visit the prisons.
7. Dealing with the MNF to put mechanisms to prevent human rights violations and the civilians’ abuses through military operations.
8. Finding solutions for the personnel of the dissolved departments, especially in relation to economic part and to take benefits of their expertise.
9. Reconsidering the Debaathification Board according to the Constitution, the judicial authorities and the Law to take a constitutional and vocational pattern.
10. Taking prompt procedures to improve the services, especially in the hot areas.
11. Activating the preparatory committees, emanated from the Cairo Conference for National Accord, in coordination with the UN and the Arab League and encouraging the Baghdad Peace Initiation.
12. The government should make a balanced Islamic-Arabic-Regional movement to make the other government be acquainted with what is going on in Iraq and gain their support to the National Accord Process, especially those enhancing terrorism or overlooking it.
13. Taking a serious and quick step towards establishing the armed forces which will take the responsibility of managing Iraq’s security in preparation of withdrawal of the MNF.
14. Taking a serious and quick step towards establishing the armed forces in both Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Interior on professional and national bases for they will take the responsibility of managing Iraq’s security instead of the MNF before they withdraw.
15. Activating the decisions that support victims of the former regime through compensations and making available all potentials to improve their living standards all over Iraq.
16. Removing all obstacles facing the Iraqi citizens or organizations to take part in building Iraq according to the Constitution if they did not commit any crime.
17. Giving compensations for those who have been suffering from terrorist acts, military operations or violence.
18. Activating the role of judiciary to punish the criminals, making it the only reference in dealing with crimes, former regime’s top officials, terrorists and gangs of kidnapping and killing.
19. Making the armed forces independent on the influence of the competing political powers, disbanding the militias and illegal armed groups and treat them according to politics, economy and security.
20. Gathering the visions and stances towards the anti-Iraq terrorist and expiatory groups.
This is a Government of Iraq Document. It is included without prejudice to mutual commitments to be agreed in the framework of the compact.
21. Starting a wide-scaled construction campaign all over Iraq to treat the unemployment phenomenon.
22. The elections led to the forming Parliament, constitution and a government of national unity as the only legal representative of the Iraqi peoples’ will in dealing with sovereignty and the existence of MNF.
23. Make the deportees get back home. The government and the security systems are responsible for their return and safety to prevent the terrorists from harming them in addition to compensating them for all the damages they have and adopt a firm security plan that ensures protecting people and prevents them from being subject to blackmail.
24. Search and arrest operations happen according to judiciary orders before the raid or arrest. These orders should follow certain information, not vexatious one and should be in Annex II-National Reconciliation Plan conformity with human rights. The military operations should also occur on the basis of official orders.
This is a Government of Iraq Document. It is included without prejudice to mutual commitments to be agreed in the framework of the compact.
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