Saleh Abdullah AL RAJHI The policy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has well established values and principles of which the Kingdom strictly adheres to. As a result the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia focuses essentially on the Gulf region as priority as part of the bigger cycle which is the Arab region, and … [Read more...]
Syrıa Crısıs ın Turkısh Foreıgn Polıcy
Erjada PROGONAT Since the AKP came to power in late 2002, its foreign policy has been based on what Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s top foreign policy adviser and now foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, calls ‘‘strategic depth’’ and ‘‘zero-problems with neighbors.’’ Davutoglu’s main argument … [Read more...]
The National Reconciliation and Dialogue Project
In order to confirm the coherence between the Iraqi people, establishing the basis of national unity among their different components, to treat the remains of terrorism and administrative corruption, spreading the spirit of the loyal nationality to Iraq in order to build wide national front to … [Read more...]