Ambasador Paraschiva BĂDESCU* Abstract. Republic of Montenegro is among the youngest States with an oldest and complex history in Western Balkans. During 10 years since it regains its independence after 88 years, this small and beautiful country is making sustainable efforts in the process towards … [Read more...]
Prof. DSc Sevdalina DIMITROVA Dr. Stoyko STOYKOV Dr. Yosif KOCHEV Abstract. The main thesis in this paper is that the problems of cyber security represent not only a specific, but also an extremely topical issue, whose solution requires the active engagement of both the states and the … [Read more...]
THE GEOMETRY OF THE GAME OF THRONES: FROM BALANCE TO POWER PROJECTION AND EFFICACY Efthymiopoulos MARIOS-PANAGIOTIS, PhD* Abstract. A ”real Game of Thrones” is being developed across a ”rhombus region”. It includes countries of strategic and geopolitical importance with diverse interests. This … [Read more...]
Briefing on National Security Strategy of Iraq
Hamza SHAREEF Abstract. Iraq faces a number of challenges: how to defeat the ISIS Army of Occupation without destroying the social fabric of Iraq; how to prevent polarization that already exists from being externally influenced into further internal conflict; how to diversify the economy; how to … [Read more...]
The Problem and the Prospect of the Geo-Economic Strategy in Afghanistan
Problema şi perspectivele strategiei geo-economice în Afganistan Oybek MAKHMUDOV, PhD Factorii geo-economici promovează dezvoltarea separatismului. Adiţional, minorităţile etnice din Afganistan au fost de mult indignate de dominaţia puterii politice a paştunilor. În acelaşi timp, victoria … [Read more...]
National Cybersecurity Strategies of Member States of the European Union
Prof. DSc Sevdalina DIMITROVA Prof. Dr. Stoyko STOYKOV Dr. Yosif KOCHEV Abstract. Principala teză din acest articol este că problemele de securitate cibernetică reprezintă nu numai un subiect specific, ci şi extrem de punctual, ale cărui soluţii necesită angajarea activă atât a statelor, … [Read more...]
Intelligence-ul naţional şi promovarea culturii de securitate – noua viziune strategică a SRI
Security culture represents, in its social meaning and role, a necessity of modern man. The conceptual definitions of “security” and “culture” call for asserting the need for “security culture”. The “security culture” features consist of the intricate nature of security, both as a process and as a … [Read more...]
Politici, doctrine, strategii şi concepte strategice navale ale marilor puteri navale: Statele Unite ale Americii, Rusia și China
Romulus HÂLDAN Disputes over land territories are becoming more scarce and most of the disputes were moved to the World Ocean. It has huge advantages, ignored or underestimated until the last century when it was considered only the cheaper racks - shipping. The event giving rise to the reassessment … [Read more...]
On the Energy Crisis in Eastern Mediterranean within the Context of Strategy, Taken Steps and Do’s
Ulvi KESER Cyprus has been the center of interest during almost all historical periods and it has aroused attention in the public opinion. The main component that has made the island an arresting constituent can be referred as its strategic location in the middle of the Asia, Europe and Africa. … [Read more...]
Interview of H.E. Ömür ŞÖLENDIL, Ambassador of The Republic of Turkey to Romania
Your Excellency, Turkey has become, in the last years, a Eurasian geopolitical and geostrategic actor, with important economic and politico-military assets. Political analyze indicates that Turkey is an important Eurasian bridge. As a NATO ally and EU-candidate country, Turkey will promote - on … [Read more...]