Ovidiu BOUREANU* Abstract. În studiul de faţă ne-am propus să evidenţiem rolul Statelor Unite în actuala configuraţie geopolitică. Noua administraţie de la Washington prezintă o altă viziune cu privire la noua ordine globală. Este o abordare care se afirmă prin mesajul că „Statele Unite revin în … [Read more...]
Politici, doctrine, strategii şi concepte strategice navale ale marilor puteri navale: Statele Unite ale Americii, Rusia și China
Romulus HÂLDAN Disputes over land territories are becoming more scarce and most of the disputes were moved to the World Ocean. It has huge advantages, ignored or underestimated until the last century when it was considered only the cheaper racks - shipping. The event giving rise to the reassessment … [Read more...]
Funcţia strategică a Uniunii Trans-Atlantice
Sergiu TĂMAŞ Facing the development of the emerging powers and especially China’s and India's economic expansion, the United States of America start a "re-calibration" process of their international politics, on the path of an important change in their geopolitic strategy deployment. This … [Read more...]
Geopolitics of the United States of America
Phil KELLY My version of geopolitics is the classical, that geographical placement of states, regions, and resources does exert some impact upon international affairs, and that these impacts occasionally can be rendered into statements of probability or generalizations that will describe and … [Read more...]
What are some Secrets of Afghanistan in Defeating Modern Empires?
Isa MULAJ Current challenge of the world’s sole superpower - the United States of America (USA) - and its allies in maintaining peace and security, providing rule of law and economic development in one of the most backward country in Asia - Afghanistan - with the risk of mission failure, is not a … [Read more...]