Prof. DSc Sevdalina DIMITROVA
Prof. Dr. Stoyko STOYKOV
Dr. Yosif KOCHEV
Abstract. Principala teză din acest articol este că problemele de securitate cibernetică reprezintă nu numai un subiect specific, ci şi extrem de punctual, ale cărui soluţii necesită angajarea activă atât a statelor, cât şi a organizaţiilor internaţionale, precum şi a părţilor interesate din diverse domenii.
Abstract. The main thesis in this paper is that the problems of cyber security represent not only a specific, but also an extremely topical issue, whose solution requires the active engagement of both the states and the international organizations, as well as of the stakeholders from various fields.
Keywords: country, cybersecurity, strategy, terrorism
Prof. DSc Sevdalina Ilieva Dimitrova, Scientific field “Security and Defence” – Vassil Levski National Military University, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
Prof. Dr. Stoyko Dimitrov Stoykov, Col. Ret., professional field “National Security” – Vassil Levski National Military University, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
Dr. Yosif Yordanov Kochev, Scientific specialty “Organization and management outside the sphere of material production (Security and Defence)” – “Neophyte Rilski” Southwestern University, Blagoevgard, Bulgaria
[…] DIMITROVA, Stoyko STOYKOV, Yosif KOCHEV – National Cybersecurity Strategies of Member States of the European Union […]