Some 167.7 million migrants were part of the labour force in their destination countries in 2022 – an increase of more than 30 million since 2013, according to the ILO Global Estimates on International Migrant Workers. Of this number, 102.7 million were men and 64.9 million were women. Regional … [Read more...]
Somaliland’s Peaceful Handover Withstands Neighbourhood Strains
Omar Mahmood Senior Analyst, Eastern Africa What happened? Somaliland held its long-awaited presidential election in mid-November, ending in victory for the opposition and a swift concession by the incumbent. The vote and its aftermath underlined … [Read more...]
Expert în studii de securitate: Rusia a aplicat în alegerile din România aceeași schemă ca în scrutinul din Republica Moldova
Lidia Gorka România a fost supusă, în timpul alegerilor prezidențiale, aceluiași tir hibrid din partea Federației Ruse ca și Republica Moldova. Declarații în acest sens a făcut expertul în studii de securitate de la București Cristian Barna, în cadrul emisiunii „Impact Global” de la TVR … [Read more...]
Rebel region vows to become Pacific’s newest nation by 2027: ‘the people have spoken’
Agence France-Presse Published: 2:32pm, 11 Dec 2024Updated: 2:33pm, 11 Dec 2024 Papua New Guinea’s copper- and gold-rich Bougainville region is set to declare independence by 2027, eight years after a landslide vote to secede, its leader said on Wednesday. The region – home to … [Read more...]
The Race for Nuclear Fusion Energy, the Clean Fuel of the Future: Will China Eat America’s Lunch?
by Lawrence Kadish The clean energy breakthrough everyone has been wishing for finally is here! It may not be quite ready for prime time, but a quiet nuclear-fusion energy race is underway and cannot come soon enough. The problem is that China seems to be winning it, not the United States or the … [Read more...]
US: North Korea to transfer new batches of ballistic missiles and heavy equipment to Russia
Russia has received over 18,000 containers of ammunition and more than 100 ballistic missiles from North Korea, with more shipments in preparation, according to US intelligence shared at the UN Security Council. Maria Tril The United States intelligence indicated that North Korea is preparing … [Read more...]
ANALYSE – Ukraine : Un avenir de plus en plus incertain…
Par Giuseppe Gagliano Note d’actualité du Cf2R N°661 / Novembre 2024 L’Ukraine, désormais proche de sa troisième année de conflit avec la Russie, se trouve dans une situation critique, tant militaire qu’économique. Sur le terrain, les combats sont intenses et voient les forces russes … [Read more...]
Mad Britain: Nine-Year-Olds Being Investigated by Police for Non-Crime Hate Incidents
Robert Williams Mainstream Britain might finally be waking up to the fact that it elected a totalitarian government that increasingly seems to behave like the Chinese Communist Party. Since 2014, British police have reportedly recorded more than 250,000 non-crime hate incidents in England … [Read more...]
Lt. col. rtr. Nicolae PARCEVSCHII Anii 2024-2025 se caracterizează prin reflexie globală legată de alegeri în multe ţări. Circa 4 mld de oameni vor fi implicaţi în reflexiile politicienilor. Analiza Jocurilor Reflexive este un instrument valoros pentru a îmbunătăţi calitatea procesului … [Read more...]
America Failed Kamala
by Daniel Greenfield Americans had the opportunity to elect Kamala Harris. And we had failed to live up to her. [A]s Michelle Obama told us, we were not good enough for her. Perhaps one day we will be. And Harris, along with Hillary Clinton, can wait in the wings, sipping chardonnay and … [Read more...]