Sureyya YIGIT, PhD Abstract. Since the September 11th terrorist attacks heralded a new phase in the post-Cold War international arena, Afghanistan has emerged as an integral piece of the international effort to combat terrorism. Heading the effort was the United States, which intended to end the … [Read more...]
The Problem and the Prospect of the Geo-Economic Strategy in Afghanistan
Problema şi perspectivele strategiei geo-economice în Afganistan Oybek MAKHMUDOV, PhD Factorii geo-economici promovează dezvoltarea separatismului. Adiţional, minorităţile etnice din Afganistan au fost de mult indignate de dominaţia puterii politice a paştunilor. În acelaşi timp, victoria … [Read more...]
United States South Asia and The Middle East Policy: New Approaches and Chronic Problems
Vladimir Vasilievici KARYAKIN The article is devoted to analysis of two-year period of Middle East politics of new US Administration. Realization of new approaches that were proposed by B. Obama is tangled by political inheritance of previous administration. Geopolitical challenges in Afghanistan, … [Read more...]
U.S. Strategy in Eurasia and Drug Production in Afghanistan
Tiberio GRAZIANI The following analysis offers a geopolitical approach aimed at understanding the relationship between U.S. worldwide strategy and the presence of North American forces in Afghanistan. U.S. penetration in the Eurasian landmass is highlighted in special relation to the Central Asian … [Read more...]
America’s Foreign Policy under President Obama: Perceptions, Realities, Expectations
Nicholas DIMA The basic theme of this essay is that the new American President Barak Obama, together with his administration and the Congress which is dominated by members of the Democrat Party, could change the course of the domestic policy of the United States. However, from a Foreign Policy … [Read more...]
Afghanistan – L’anatomie d’un état échoué
«Pour tenter d’y voir plus clair, il faut remonter aux origines de l’Afghanistan, ou plus exactement au tracé de ses frontières à la fin du XIXe siècle qui, jusqu’à la dernière décennie, ont eu plus de réalité que l’État lui-même. Si les Afghans se targuaient, avant 1979 et l’invasion soviétique, de … [Read more...]
What are some Secrets of Afghanistan in Defeating Modern Empires?
Isa MULAJ Current challenge of the world’s sole superpower - the United States of America (USA) - and its allies in maintaining peace and security, providing rule of law and economic development in one of the most backward country in Asia - Afghanistan - with the risk of mission failure, is not a … [Read more...]
Afghanistan 1979. Déstabilisation du Proche et du Moyen Orient et origine du collapsus soviétique dans la géopolitique étasunienne
Parmi les divers évènements de la politique internationale de l’année 1979, il y en a deux qui sont particulièrement importants à souligner, pour avoir contribué au bouleversement de la géopolitique mondiale basée à l’époque sur la confrontation entre les USA et l'URSS. Il s’agit de la révolution … [Read more...]
The United States and the War on Terrorism since 9/11, 2001: Political, Geopolitical and Moral Considerations
Nicholas DIMA Rezumat şi explicaţie: Acest eseu este destinat în primul rând să fie un comentariu. El prezintă reacţia generală a publicului american faţă de atacurile teroriste din 9/11/2004; sprijinul popular copleşitor pentru războiul contra regimului taliban în Afghanistan şi împotriva … [Read more...]