Cosmin Gabriel PĂCURARU, PhD* Motto: „Cine controlează resursele energetice ale planetei? În principiu, cei care au o strategie pentru asta.” Mehmet Ogutcu, analist al pieţei de … [Read more...]
Glauco D’AGOSTINO Abstract. Post-September 11th, with its load of upheaval in international law (weakening of state prerogatives, monopoly of warlike operations, consensus on border violations for real or alleged humanitarian offenses), hostilities have exacerbated and increased instability of the … [Read more...]
Universităţile americane, instrument al „soft power” în relaţia SUA – China
Monica MUȚU "The [Fulbright] Program aims…to bring a little more knowledge, a little more reason, and a little more compassion into world affairs and thereby to increase the chance that nations will learn at last to live in peace and friendship.” Senatorul J. William Fulbright This paper … [Read more...]
Proiectul Eurasia al administraţiei Putin
Valentin MUNTEANU Eurasia is, without doubt, the most problematic and disputed geopolitical field in the entire world. Ever since the first geopolitical writings of Mahon and Mackinder, until the writings of the nowadays geopoliticians, Dugin or Brzezinski, much has been said about the history and … [Read more...]
Soft power cu caracteristici chinezeşti
Alexandra Cristiana MARINICA Once the Soviet Union has been demised and after the unipolar moment of the United States, China has emerged as the newest superpower. Currently, there has been a major investment in public diplomacy. In international relations China uses soft power, which is perceived … [Read more...]
Turkish Foreign Policy: A Mid-Eastern Approach
Mustafa ZIYA Turkey's foreign policy after the Cold War is re-defined as a multi-parameter and rhythmic policy. Theoretically it is structured according to the principle of strategic depth that combines geographical and historical parameters of the country, aiming to be a model country in the … [Read more...]
Role of Soft Power in the new Turkish Foreign Policy: The Case of Least Developed Countries
Guliz SUTCU In the last ten years, parameters of the Turkish foreign policy (TFP) changed to an important extent. Its lines have been redrawn in accordance with the goal of becoming a global actor that pursues visionary diplomacy. The Strategic Depth doctrine provided a theoretical framework to … [Read more...]
Rusia şi Asia Centrală la începutul secolului XXI
Inessa BABAN Acest studiu şi-a propus să realizeze o introducere în cadrul unui subiect de actualitate a vieţii internaţionale: revenirea Rusiei pe scena internaţională şi redescoperirea importanţei Asiei Centrale ex-sovietice, care a devenit la începutul sec. XXI miza confruntării marilor actori … [Read more...]
Modelul european de guvernare şi noua ordine mondială
Maria I. DIMITRIU Reprezintă cu adevărat Uniunea Europeană o punte între Statele Unite şi Eurasia? Poate Uniunea Europeană să îşi promoveze eficient modelul său organizaţional? Răspunsul la ambele întrebări este pozitiv. În noua ordine mondială a secolului XXI, modelul UE de guvernare este singurul … [Read more...]