Dr. Vasile NAZARE Abstract: The Syrian revolution, that has been so enthusiastically ignited under the influence of the Arab Spring phenomenon, unlike the ones started in Egypt, Tunisia or Libya, has brought to surface certain aspects which helped shaping theories regarding the revolutions from … [Read more...]
Libia: între ascensiunea Daesh şi diviziune politică. Posibile evoluţii şi scenarii de viitor
Răzvan MUNTEANU Abstract. The Arab Spring did not bring with it the long awaited prosperity in the Libyan state, which, despite its rich hydrocarbon reserves, has plunged into a political and ethnic crisis, being divided between two parallel regimes that both claim the right to rule the country. … [Read more...]
Geopolitica noului Orient Mijlociu după Primăvara Arabă
Marian Vasile NAZARE Riots within the Arab world have started in Tunisia on the 17th of December 2010, spreading fast to other Muslim countries: Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Sudan, Djibouti, Jordan, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Somalia, Bahrain and … [Read more...]
Saudi Arabia vs. Iran: Religion, Identity, Legitimacy in a Geo-Political Confrontation
Saudi Arabia-Iran confrontation, while stressing a clear interest in maintaining and expanding territorial control over the huge oil resources, must at least consider the following other factors affecting their behavior: a) a different religious creed (Sunni and Shiite), although within the Muslim … [Read more...]
Nemesis: Oil and Missiles in the 21st Century
David L O HAYWARD ”The country that faced down the tyranny of fascism and communism is now called to challenged the tyranny of oil” Barack Obama, Detroit Economic Club, May 2007 Strangulation of the ‘umbilical cord’, our essential global oil supply conduit from the Arabian Gulf to major … [Read more...]
Turkish Foreign Policy: A Mid-Eastern Approach
Mustafa ZIYA Turkey's foreign policy after the Cold War is re-defined as a multi-parameter and rhythmic policy. Theoretically it is structured according to the principle of strategic depth that combines geographical and historical parameters of the country, aiming to be a model country in the … [Read more...]
The “Arab Revolts”: Regional Repercussions and World Politics
Tiberio GRAZIANI The turmoil started in North Africa in December 2010, and then last year extended to much of the Arab world and culminated in the military aggression against Libya, going beyond the regional context and becoming part of the U.S. strategy directed at military, economic and political … [Read more...]
The Model Rivalry or the Rivalry of Models? Turkey – Qatar Relations in the Aftermath of the Arab Spring
Yevgeniya GABER The article gives a comparative analysis of the two developmental models that are most likely to shape the transformational processes that have been caused by the popular revolts taking place in the Middle Eastern countries since early 2011 and generally known as the “Arab Spring”. … [Read more...]
Arab Revolutions or Islamic Spring? Political Upsets and Regional (In)Security
Michelle BRUNELI The events that occurred in December 2010 revitalised the political science debate in Western countries over democratic change. Once again the Western world tried to explain the revolutionary events with its own historical experience, using Western political categories, but it did … [Read more...]
Aspecte privind importanţa geostrategică a Republicii Arabe Egipt, în contextul politic actual
Cătălina OANCEA Egiptul reprezintă un stat cu o poziţie importantă în cadrul relaţiilor internaţionale, iar noul regim va fi nevoit să decidă asupra modului în care îşi va consolida poziţia de actor regional şi internaţional în noua arhitectură de securitate, în contextul luptelor pentru hegemonia … [Read more...]