Dr. Hari BUCUR-MARCU* Abstract. In 2012, I accepted to have a look upon a specific situation in the self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. My task was to determine if the authorities of the Republic of Armenia were exercising or not any overall control upon the respective entity with military … [Read more...]
Cosmin Gabriel PĂCURARU, PhD* Motto: „Cine controlează resursele energetice ale planetei? În principiu, cei care au o strategie pentru asta.” Mehmet Ogutcu, analist al pieţei de … [Read more...]
Dr. Artur LAKATOS* Delia Gabriela COCORA** Abstract. This paper is dealing with the geopolitical implications of the frozen conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh. Presenting the basic terms and environment of the conflict, our analysis is dealing not only with the irreconcilable positions of the three … [Read more...]
Geopolitics and Energy Strategies of the South Caucasus – Azerbaijan in Spotlight – March 17, 2014
A conference entitled “Geopolitics and energy strategies of the South Caucasus - Azerbaijan in spotlight” has been held in Bucharest with the support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. The event was attended by Azerbaijani MPs, Romanian intellectuals, writers, political analysts, heads of … [Read more...]
The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict in the Context of Azerbaijan’s Relations with the U.S.
Zahra AHMADYPOUR, Ali VALIGHOLIZADEH, Mohammad Reza HAFEZNIA After the Soviet dissolution, the newly independent post-Soviet state of Azerbaijan intensified its efforts at developing its relations with the United States. In this regard, According to the results of this paper, although both … [Read more...]
Moscow’s Geopolitical Stand in the Ponto-Baltic Space
Nicholas Dima Poziţia geopolitică a Moscovei în spaţiul ponto-baltic Eseul de faţă tratează atitudinea Rusiei în spaţiul dintre Marea Baltică şi Marea Neagră la 20 de ani după prăbuşirea comunismului şi dezintegrarea Uniunii Sovietice. Noile interese geopolitice ruseşti se confruntă în această … [Read more...]
Heydar Aliyev Foundation
Every nation is created together with its language. But to give life to the nation's language, to improve it and to raise it to the world level of culture is possible by the results of the activities of science and education. HEYDAR ALIYEV A very important period of the history of Azerbaijan is … [Read more...]
The Caucasus Region in Russia’s Geopolitics
Nicholas DIMA Articolul de faţă examinează situaţia geo-politică din regiunea Caucaz, mai precis din Georgia, Armenia şi Azerbaijan, în lumina trecutului istoric şi în vederea perspectivei de viitor apropiat. Lucrarea susţine că Rusia este ultimul imperiu medieval din Europa şi că Moscova refuză cu … [Read more...]
The Russo-Georgian War of 2008 and other Potential Conflicts in the Former Soviet Space
Nicholas DIMA Războiul ruso-georgian din 2008 și alte conflicte potențiale în spațiul fost sovietic Dezmembrarea Uniunii Sovietice în 1991 a survenit la fel de neaşteptat ca şi înfiinţarea ei la câţiva ani după revoluţia Bolşevică din 1917. Timp de şapte decenii Uniunea Sovietică a reprimat în mod … [Read more...]