Cosmin Gabriel PĂCURARU, PhD* Motto: „Cine controlează resursele energetice ale planetei? În principiu, cei care au o strategie pentru asta.” Mehmet Ogutcu, analist al pieţei de … [Read more...]
Interview with H.E. Mr. Dan IANCU the Ambassador of Romania in Azerbaijan Vasile SIMILEANU: Your Excellency, I had the chance to see and learn a good deal about Azerbaijan. I recently took part in an international event in Baku and had an interesting discussion with you on … [Read more...]
Dr. Radu SĂGEATĂ Le Caucase. Structure ethnique, politique et religieuse. „Cet enchevêtrement s'est créé tot au long de l'Histoire, car le Caucase a servi aussi bien de lieu de passage que de lieu de refuge. Lieu de passage nord-sud, par les portes de Fer qui contrôlent à la hauteur de Dervent la … [Read more...]
Anul XVI, nr. 68-69 (1 / 2017) SUMAR EDITORIAL Vasile SIMILEANU - Reconcilierea şi reconstrucţia Caucazului: himeră sau o realitate? INTERVIU Vasile SIMILEANU - Interview with H.E. Mr. Theodor MELEŞCANU, Minister of Foreign Affairs Vasile SIMILEANU - Interview with H.E. Mr. Osman Koray … [Read more...]
Conflicte îngheţate. Informaţia de peste munţi: Caucazul
Vlad Cătălin MOCANU The paper focus on Caucasus geoIntelligence, especially on the information, based on two main ideas. On the one hand, we propose to analyze how information is gained and managed by the dominant power, Russia, and on the other hand it explains how information can juggle the … [Read more...]
Geopolitics and Energy Strategies of the South Caucasus – Azerbaijan in Spotlight – March 17, 2014
A conference entitled “Geopolitics and energy strategies of the South Caucasus - Azerbaijan in spotlight” has been held in Bucharest with the support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. The event was attended by Azerbaijani MPs, Romanian intellectuals, writers, political analysts, heads of … [Read more...]
Elemente fundamentale ale geopoliticii Caucazului de Sud în perioada 1991-2010
Asgar DUNYAMALIYEV Tendinţa ce caracterizează cel mai bine începutul secolului XXI este aceea de transformare. Lumea se schimbă, aceasta fiind în fapt o evoluţie naturală, supusă modificărilor aduse de fenomenul globalizării, caracterizat de multidimensionalitate, la nivel economic, politic, … [Read more...]
Conflicte interstatale în zona Caucazului
Ştefan GEORGESCU, Marian ZIDARU Conflictul azer armean a fost primul război etnic din fosta URSS. În urma unui conflict sângeros cu mii de morți și zeci de mii de refugiați tensiunile sunt departe de a fi netede. Cele mai recente evoluții politice nu dau prea multe motive de optimism cu privire la … [Read more...]
South Caucasus is Close to the Black Sea Region and EU – Interview of H.E. Mr. Eldar HASANOV, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Romania
Your Excellency, during Your mandate the relations between our countries have developed significantly. From this point of view your activity to promote interests of Azerbaijan and Romania are known. What is the role of our countries in the changing geopolitics of the Black Sea region? Historic … [Read more...]
Caucazul şi ecuaţia sa politică. O scurtă introducere
Marius VĂCĂRELU Abstract: The time of troubles in the Caucasus is by no means over. There may yet be even more devastating things to come for the people who inhabit the hills and plains on either side of the great mountain range. But if a European continent that spent the first half of the … [Read more...]