Paraschiva BĂDESCU Abstract. Democraţia, Ca fenomen politic, se mişcă pe harta geografică, înfruntând diverse provocări şi obstacole, precum şi impactul geopoliticii. Abstract. Democracy, as a political phenomenon, moves on the geographical map, facing different challenges and obstacles, as well … [Read more...]
Proiectul Eurasia al administraţiei Putin
Valentin MUNTEANU Eurasia is, without doubt, the most problematic and disputed geopolitical field in the entire world. Ever since the first geopolitical writings of Mahon and Mackinder, until the writings of the nowadays geopoliticians, Dugin or Brzezinski, much has been said about the history and … [Read more...]
Geopolitical System of the Great Middle East
Vasile SIMILEANU State configuration and contemporary geopolitics of the Middle East region is the result of divisions made by victorious powers after First World War. This led to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, whose territory will form new 'national' Arabian states, which are less expression … [Read more...]