The Military Technical Academy (MTA) of Bucharest is a military higher education institution subordinated to the Ministry of Defence and part of the national educational system, which, in its competence domain, fulfils education and scientific research missions, and works based on Romania’s Constitution, on the law adopted by the Parliament, on the orders of the minister of Defence, of the minister of Education, Research and Youth and has a budget made up of resources allocated by the state budget and by other lawful sources.
The MTA is an accredited higher education institution, maintaining a commitment to educational excellence. The MTA was established by Decision of the Romanian Government in 1949 and is accredited by the Romanian Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance. Since its foundation in 1949 the MTA has been training and inspiring young men and women to serve their country in uniform. It builds the character, leadership, and intellectual foundation so essential to becoming successful engineer officers in the Romanian Military.
The MTA provides both basic engineering and post-academic training for the Ministry of National Defence and the other structures of the national defence system (The Ministry of the Interior and Administrative Reform, The Special Communications Service, The Romanian Intelligence Service, The External Intelligence Service, The Guard and Protection Service). It also provides training upon request for other various partners.
With a view to its organization, starting with 2004, the MTA has two faculties: The Faculty of Integrated Armament Systems and the Faculty of Military Electronic and Information Systems.
The training and education process meets the national and international quality requirements and standards. They set the necessary framework for cooperation with similar institutions from our country and abroad in carrying out long and short term education and research programs. In 2005 training was organized on three academic cycles – bachelor, master and doctorate – thus aligning to the requirements of the Higher Education European Area. This was later stipulated by Government Decision no. 264 of March 14, 2007 and other new national regulations. Now the MTA organizes, with the approval of the Minister of Defence bachelor, master and doctorate programmes financed from the budget or privately paid.
The MTA organizes bachelor programs in the field of “engineering studies” in 11 subfields and 17 specializations.
Since its foundation, the MTA has trained more than 7000 engineer and technical officers who have competently honored their jobs or have evolved in their careers in the defence, public order and national security systems organizations, in governmental structures and in the private industry in well-known foreign companies as well as in politics. At present, the academy is one of the eight traditional purely polytechnic higher education institutes in Romania.
Historical Landmarks
The military polytechnic higher education has its origins in the military and civilian facilities (institutes, schools, departments) set up in the years 1927-1936, which also trained military engineers for the military and defence industry. The military desideratum to have its own higher education polytechnic institute came to life in 1949.
The MTA was set up by the Decree no.371 of September 14, 1949. Its mission was to ”train engineer officers with an appropriate technical education for the various services, in order to staff commands, units, and military specialized institutes”. At the beginning it was organized into the following five departments: Armament and Ammunition, Tanks and Mechanized Vehicles, Aircraft, Communications, Navy.
The first chancellor of the MTA was Major General Marin T. Stoicescu, a diplomat engineer, a graduate of the “Politehnica” University of Bucharest. Faculty members of various higher education institutions were appointed to the MTA with the agreement of the Ministry of Education. Thus, famous professors such as Vasile Bianu, Mihai Ghermanescu, Ion Ciurileanu, Ovidiu Dragnea, Emil Botez, Luca Teodoriu, Gheorghe Manase, Ionescu Bujor became members of the MTA faculty.
Later, other important scientific personalities added value to the MTA influencing and modeling the professional career of generations of graduates: Octav Onicescu, Grigore Moisil, Mitu Dumitrescu, Stan Aurelian, Elie Carafoli, Nicolae Patraulea, Ion Elianu, George Baranescu, Mihai Ifrim, Vasile Catuneanu, Iorgu Nicula, Edmond Nicolau, Andrei Tugulea, Mihai Nita, Gabriela Teodorescu, Virgil N. Constantinescu.
o In 1953, by the Government Decision no. 660, MTA began Ph.D. training for engineers. One year later, the first issue of the Scientific Bulletin of the MTA (now MTA Review) was published. The review is a greatly appreciated scientific journal accredited by the Higher Education National Council of Scientific Research – CNCSIS.
o From1959 to 1990, the MTA functioned as a distinct polytechnic academic entity within the Military Academy.
o In 1990 by the Government Decision no. 550, the MTA became an independent higher education institution again.
o In 1992, the Government Decision no. 612 established the organization and functioning of the MTA as a higher education and research institution. This decision was updated and completed by the Government Decision no. 264 of March 14, 2007.
o In 1995 by Presidential Decree no.75 The MTA was awarded its combat flag.
All the years the MTA functioned as an independent military higher education institute, it had the following commanders:
– MG. MARIN STOICESCU (1949-1951)
– LTG. IOSIF BUTOI (1951-1957)
– RADM. eng. GRIGORE MARTES (1957-1959)
– LTG. prof. eng. STEFAN ISPAS, Ph.D (1990-1991)
– Army Corps Gen. prof. eng. FLORINEL PAPUC, Ph.D (1991-2001)
– Col. prof. eng. MARIUS RUSSU, Ph.D (2001-2003)
– Col. prof. eng. ION FUIOREA, PhD (2003-2004)
– Col. prof. eng. DORU-GHEORGHE SAFTA, Ph.D (June-Sept. 2004)
– Air Flotilla Gen. prof. eng. JAN GAVRILA, Ph.D (Oct.2004-Jan.2006)
Beginning with February 2006, the commander (chancellor) of the MTA is Col. prof. eng. DORU-GHEORGHE SAFTA, Ph.D.
The Military Technical Academy of Bucharest is a unique and important institution as it offers formal, professional military and engineering education to students that become officers who form the pool from which generals and other military or civilian leaders are selected.