NATO'S ROLE IN THE GEOPOLITICS OF THE SOUTH CAUCASUS Benyamin POGHOSYAN, PhD Key words: NATO, Russia, US, EU, South Caucasus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Geopolitics NATO'S RELATIONS WITH REGIONAL STATES NATO has been involved in the South Caucasus after the collapse of the Soviet Union. … [Read more...]
Triada SUA – Rusia – China în(cadrează) noua ordine mondială
Andreea Cristina BRÂNZĂ The 21st century is seen by many scholars as a Pacific century and a resurrection of a new geopolitical order. The shifting of the center of power from Mediterranean Sea - where it was placed in the 14th century - to Atlantic and, nowadays, to Pacific, has generated a … [Read more...]
US Arms Persian Gulf Allies for Conflict with Iran
U.S. Arms Persian Gulf Allies For Conflict With Iran November 18, 2011 Stop NATO November 18, 2011 U.S. Arms Persian Gulf Allies For Conflict With Iran Rick Rozoff Rumors and … [Read more...]
The Cyclical Course Of History in the U.S.
Gorraiz Lopez German The fickle and cyclical evolution of history, could make two U.S. presidents (separated in time by about 50 years), were united by economic recession and the wars that will receive as an inheritance. So, Obama and Kennedy would pass into hi. The cyclical course of History in … [Read more...]
The Economic Crisis of the Western System – a Geopolitical Approach
Tiberio GRAZIANI Concerning the ongoing crisis several analyses have been performed, generally from an economic point of view. In this context, several studies have been produced with the purpose of analysing the impact of the crisis on global economy and on worldwide industrial systems. The … [Read more...]