Conf. univ. dr. Silviu NATE Abstract. Overlapping clandestine migration flows with illicit phenomena in the Mediterranean Basin Area creates an unprecedented challenge for the European Union. Dealing with demographic exodus is not entirely new to the old European continent, but the typology of … [Read more...]
The Mediterranean and Central Asia: the Hinges of Eurasia
Tiberio GRAZIANI The transition from the unipolar system to a multipolar one is generating tensions in two particular areas of the Eurasian landmass: the Mediterranean and Central Asia. The process of consolidation of polycentrism seems to be undergoing an impasse caused by the “regionalist” … [Read more...]
The Geopolitics of African Mediterranean and Its Geostrategic Importance for Europe and the Middle East
Isa MULAJ Many geographical regions, states, and locations have been the target of acquisition and control for certain strategic objectives throughout the history. In most common cases, the aim was related to the use and exploitation of resources (natural unexplored, those already created by the … [Read more...]
Uniunea Pentru Mediterana sau noul “Great Game”
Nicolae GEANTĂ Strategiile care se petrec pe piaţa globală pentru petrol, manevre şi influenţă au determinat "Marele Joc" pentru Mediterana. Uniunea pentru Mediterana, cunoscută şi ca Procesul Barcelona, generat la summitul celor 40 ţări care s-au întâlnit la 13 iulie 2008 în Paris (unde singurul … [Read more...]