Daniel PIPES http://ro.danielpipes.org/7966/in-orientul-mijlociu-pariati-pe-calul-mai-puternic The violence and cruelty of Arabs often perplexes Westerners. Not only does the leader of Hizbullah proclaim "We love death," but so too does, for example, a 24-year-old man who last month yelled "We … [Read more...]
Reviewing the Effect of the External Factors on the Khuzestan Ethnic Arab Movements
Ali BIJANI, Ezatollah EZATI This paper seeks to review the history of the threats due to the intervention of the external factors affecting the ethnic issues of Khuzestan province, as well as a series of recent interventions that has occurred after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, and the … [Read more...]
Comunitatea arabă din România
Aidi SAMI Se ştie că populaţia ţărilor arabe este de peste 350 milioane de locuitori, care trăiesc în 22 de ţări, unite de o limbă, istorie, religie şi un ţel comune. Acesta din urmă înseamnă a trăi liber şi independent, a respecta tradiţiile de milenii, departe de conflictele internaţionale şi de … [Read more...]