Comanda aici! - editura Top Form Bucureşti, 2021 - Terorismul reprezintă o ameninţare globală care nu ţine cont de principiile fundamentale ale legii, ordinii şi drepturilor omului. Din aceste motive, combaterea terorismului nu cade doar în sarcina instituţiilor statelor care acţionează în … [Read more...]
Terror attacks raise doubts over intra-Afghan talks
Terror attacks raise doubts over intra-Afghan talks … [Read more...]
James Carafano: Ignore ISIS at your peril, America – Terrorists say ‘I’ll be back’
By James Jay Carafano | Fox News Fears rise of an ISIS comeback This is a warning to the civilized world: Don’t forget about the supporters of Usama bin Laden and the ISIS caliphate. They have not forgotten about you. Washington today is largely focused on “great power” competition. What’s … [Read more...]
Mahmood SOHAIL, PhD A holistic approach is needed which has two components: Firstly, the easier approach is that of eradicating terrorism using military force. The West, NATO and allies have tried this approach for at least 16 years to eradicate al Qaeda and have failed to do so. While al Qaeda … [Read more...]
Gl. (r.) prof. univ. dr. Anghel ANDREESCU Abstract. The terrorist orgzations are despotic, entities with no compunction, that fight to destabilize the modern world in order to take advantage of the Occidental democracy. Keywords: Atacurile actuale asupra simbolurilor puterii economice şi … [Read more...]
Consecinţele terorismului şi organizarea contraofensivei împotriva Daash (ISIS)
Mohammed Nasseraldin Yassin AL-NASSERY Grupările teroriste, de stradă, denumite DAASH - AGIL, care utilizează sistemele de tip HIT-AND-RUN, cu arme de calibru mic şi mediu, determină, pentru forţele guvernului irakian, o prognoză greoaie a evoluţiei conflictului, a obiectivelor şi rezultatelor … [Read more...]
Contemporary Maritime Security Challenges: Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling at Sea
Burak Şakir ŞEKER, PhD Dimitrios DALAKLIS, PhD Abstract. Globalization is most commonly associated with economic development and increased financial gains; maritime trade is quite often characterized as the ”back-bone” of this multi-level phenomenon. However, globalization is also linked with … [Read more...]
Descurajarea, prevenirea şi reprimarea actelor de piraterie
Prof. univ. dr., dr.h.c. Constantin ANECHITOAE Abstract. The piracy in 2016 has become an important issue for all maritime and non-maritime states. The shipping and river transportation costs are out of control because of the increase in crew, cargo and vessel insurance rates and in the … [Read more...]
Hashtag: #Daesh: Transformation of Western Youngsters into Jihadi Fighters
Prof. univ. dr. Cristian BARNA Why do we need to live in the ”us” and ”the others” paradigm? Who and why would somebody want the other’s death? Radicalisation of the youngsters is the one-way road in search of identity. The role of social media in radicalising western youngsters is … [Read more...]
A new dimension of terrorism: ISIS
Selami Ahmet SALGUR, PhD Abstract. Today, as we know, terror and terrorism are very big issues for all over the world. People have always been discussing about terrorism but it’s not clear in their minds. Who are the terrorists? In the same time, religions, especially Islam, are associated with … [Read more...]