Monica MUŢU, PhD The National Defense University ”Carol I” and GeoPolitica Club Romania organized on April 5, 2017 the Conference ”Security Strategies in Middle East. An Jordanian Point of View”, the guest of honor HE Mr. Saker Malkawi Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Hashemite … [Read more...]
The Politics of Counterterrorism Strategies in the Middle East and Southwest Regions: Analysis of Contemporary Soft Tools
Mahmood SOHAIL, PhD A comprehensive counterterrorism would employ two tools or approaches: the harder ones using military force and the softer ones based on strengthening society and ameliorating the very conditions that were conducive for the growth of terrorism in the first place. It was … [Read more...]
Strategies for Organizational Transformation, a Complexity Approach to Intelligence
Aitana BOGDAN Abstract. Lucrarea îşi propune să abordeze o temă mult discutată în interiorul studiilor de intelligence, respectiv transformarea organizaţiilor de intelligence. Pornind de la teoria sistemelor complexe, articolul analizează schimbările survenite în interiorul modelelor … [Read more...]
„Noul Drum al Mătăsii” – speranţe şi provocări
Populations, conquerors, cultures and ideas have swept across the steppes, deserts and mountains of Central Asia for thousands of years, and the region has been the focus of ancient East-West trade routes collectively called „The Silk Road”; it was the board on which the „Great Game” between big … [Read more...]
Evoluţii geopolitice pe axa eurasiatică a Drumului Mătăsii
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the relations between Germany and Russia have experienced new dimensions, at the level of political and economic relations they became European allies in order to build a Eurasian economic conglomerate, which would have as centres Berlin and Moscow. In this respect … [Read more...]
Alternative la strategiile energetice eurasiatice ruse
European alternatives to gas imports from Russia are not very numerous. Europe is in an eternal discomfort related to high dependence on Moscow and Moscow is considering how to look for other customers but come bundled with other issues and implications. Therefore, European strategies trying to … [Read more...]
Reconfigurarea strategică a centrelor de putere
Starting from approaching the aspects of globalism, technological, economical and cultural progress of the contemporary world, the paper focuses on the reconfiguration of the strategic interests of the power hot spots, the latest breaking brand new emergent power poles, the dogfight for supremacy in … [Read more...]
Strategii energetice în Asia Centrală
Nicolae GEANTĂ Strategia energetică în Asia Centrală. Un adevărat magnet pentru Europa, depozitele din Asia Centrală (conservate de sovietici), au devenit zone de interes pentru Rusia, care dorește să consolideze și să liberalizeze poziția sa în raport cu regiunea. În consecință, jocul de … [Read more...]