Mrd. Alexandru Vlad CRIŞAN * Abstract. My work will focus on analyzing Turkey's geo-economic strategies in Central Asia and the Caspian Sea. The first part of the article is concerning the Strategic Depth Doctrine, of the current Prime Minister of Turkey, expressing a very interesting vision of … [Read more...]
Ph.D.c Lucian MILICĂ Ph.D. at the University Complutense of Madrid, Department of Human Geography Abstract. At the stage of regional geoeconomic multipolar gigantism, along with the unipolar des-globalization, the double regional integration both geopolitical and geoeconomic which is proposed … [Read more...]
Sureyya YIGIT, PhD Abstract. Since the September 11th terrorist attacks heralded a new phase in the post-Cold War international arena, Afghanistan has emerged as an integral piece of the international effort to combat terrorism. Heading the effort was the United States, which intended to end the … [Read more...]
Süreyya YİĞİT, PhD* Abstract. The past decade has witnessed the European Union paying specific attention to the issue of energy security. Whilst the Russia-Ukraine gas crises of 2006 and 2009 encouraged such a measure, the annexation of Crimea highlighted that energy dependence on Russia must be … [Read more...]
Cyber Security in Kazakhstan: Current Trends and Challenges
Anna GUSSAROVA Securitatea cibernetică în Kazahstan: trenduri şi provocări actuale Abstract. Influenţa în creştere a tehnologiilor informaţiei şi comunicaţiilor în toate sferele vieţii împreună cu oportunităţile au format un nou punct vulnerabil. Structura relaţiilor sociale şi rolul statelor ca … [Read more...]
Chinese – Russian Rivalry in Central Asia
Sureyya YIGIT The post-cold war is regularly identified as being unipolar though with multipolar tendencies gaining ground. Clearly the unipolar power remains the United States with the ascending economic power being China. The role of Russia, the successor to the ex-superpower (USSR) is being … [Read more...]
A Quest in Central Asia: “Social Genes” and new Political Models
Bekir GUNAY People and societies can look for role models in the periods of transformation. This search process includes not only finding a new model but also drawing away from the old system and structures. During such periods, neighboring societies or previous experiences of that particular … [Read more...]
The Mediterranean and Central Asia: the Hinges of Eurasia
Tiberio GRAZIANI The transition from the unipolar system to a multipolar one is generating tensions in two particular areas of the Eurasian landmass: the Mediterranean and Central Asia. The process of consolidation of polycentrism seems to be undergoing an impasse caused by the “regionalist” … [Read more...]
Russian and American Conflicting Policies in Central Asia
Slobodan JANKOVIC The following text describes the Russia’s and USA conflicting policies in the Central Asia. This region is valued of strategic interest not only for Moscow’s interests, but also for the Washington power projection. Constant Russian economic and political recovery after 1998 and … [Read more...]
Russia Constructs The Military Strike Groupment in the Central Asia
Vladimir Vasilievici KARYAKIN In conditions of NATO expansion in the sphere of Russian interests, aggravation of geopolitical concurrence for access to Central Asian energy resources and world instability caused by the global economic recession the Russian administration is focusing efforts on … [Read more...]