Dr. Bogdan TEODOR Abstract. Information was at all times a redoubtable weapon, and currently the usability and accessibility of it did nothing else than to emphasize this trait. A weaponized form of information is propaganda, which stands counter to real-time events in that propaganda may or may … [Read more...]
Gl. (r.) prof. univ. dr. Anghel ANDREESCU Insp. pr. de poliţie dr. Valentin DULGHERU Abstract. Gustave le Bon is the founder of the theory of collective behavior through the work of "The Psychology of the Crowds", of the individuals in a group, who tend to ignore their own and their society’s … [Read more...]
Saudi Arabia on the Global Level: Responsibilities and Commitments
Abdullah ALOTAIBI When people ask about Saudi Arabia, the first thing they cite is oil. This exclusive equation of Saudi Arabia and oil is mistaken. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a major Middle East Power that plays a significant role on the international arena, a role that does not emanate solely … [Read more...]
THE SAUDI RISING POWER – from Regional to International –
Year XIII, no. 59 (1 / 2015) TABLE OF CONTENTS EDITORIAL Vasile SIMILEANU - Saudi Arabia - a New Vision ARGUMENT Prince Saud AL FAISAL - Facing Global Challenges in a Spirit of Determination INTERVIU Vasile SIMILEANU - Interview with His Excellency Bogdan AURESCU, Minister of Foreign … [Read more...]
Ukraine – Let’s Think European
One of the most distressing aspects of the way the situation in Ukraine is dealt with is the regularity with which the fundamental nature of the aggressor’s political regime is ignored. Today’s Russia is certainly not Stalin’s - or even Brezhnev’s - USSR, nor is it Nazi Germany, Italy in Fascist … [Read more...]
Turcia – România: geopolitica si diplomatie la Marea Neagra (1)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laLB-FiCxd8 … [Read more...]
Turcia-România: geopolitica si diplomatie la Marea Neagra (2)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1vFN2ILGPA … [Read more...]
Turcia-România: geopolitica si diplomatie la Marea Neagra (3)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWUALRQH08k … [Read more...]
Funcţia strategică a Uniunii Trans-Atlantice
Sergiu TĂMAŞ Facing the development of the emerging powers and especially China’s and India's economic expansion, the United States of America start a "re-calibration" process of their international politics, on the path of an important change in their geopolitic strategy deployment. This … [Read more...]
Geopolitica Rusiei în faţa provocărilor noului mileniu
Vasile Marian NAZARE Secolul al XXI-lea a început cu o competiție puternică pentru supremație între cele mai importante centre de putere care se găsesc în viața internațională: Statele Unite ale Americii, UE, Rusia și China. Cu toate că a slăbit prin dizolvarea fostei URSS, Rusia, în noua situație … [Read more...]