Marian ZIDARU, Ştefan GEORGESCU Astăzi asistăm la un război al cuvintelor între Iran, Statele Unite ale Americii și Israel. Pe măsură ce războiul cuvintelor escaladează, pericolul unei ciocniri maritime rămâne mult prea real. Capabilități iraniene, în special capacitățile asimetrice, s-au … [Read more...]
The Arab Spring: A Warm Welcome from Tehran
Walter POSCH Tehran welcomed the “Arab Spring” almost enthusiastically; Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei likened the fall of Hosni Mubarak to that of the Shah and consequently interpreted the events of 2011 as a fulfillment of the 1979 Iranian Revolution. All Iranian decision makers of the generation … [Read more...]
America’s Foreign Policy under President Obama: Perceptions, Realities, Expectations
Nicholas DIMA The basic theme of this essay is that the new American President Barak Obama, together with his administration and the Congress which is dominated by members of the Democrat Party, could change the course of the domestic policy of the United States. However, from a Foreign Policy … [Read more...]