Jad El KHANNOUSSI Abstract. The Arab peoples have been trying for democracy for more than a century. A process in which their societies have manifested themselves in very different ways, especially through revolutions, and Arab thought has tried different political and intellectual theories. A … [Read more...]
http://www.certitudinea.ro/articole/europa-nostra/view/uniunea-europeanA-federalizare-sau-fragmentare dr. George HĂLĂRESCU Abstract. Future of European Union is in uncertainty, because agreements between European leaders were not enough legitimate. UK chose to leave it because the British people … [Read more...]
Geopolitica şi democraţia
Paraschiva BĂDESCU Abstract. Democraţia, Ca fenomen politic, se mişcă pe harta geografică, înfruntând diverse provocări şi obstacole, precum şi impactul geopoliticii. Abstract. Democracy, as a political phenomenon, moves on the geographical map, facing different challenges and obstacles, as well … [Read more...]
Egypt’s Coup and Future of Democracy in Post Arab Spring Middle East
Shams uz ZAMAN, PhD Lovitura de stat din Egipt şi viitorul democraţiei în Orientul Mijlociu post Primăvara Arabă Abstract. Optimismul iniţial că o ordine regională democratică va emerge drept consecinţă a Primăverii Arabe care a măturat Orientul Mijlociu şi Africa s-a diminuat progresiv. … [Read more...]
Deficitul de democraţie al guvernării globale
Dr. George HĂLĂRESCU Abstract. În prezent. Globalizarea a generat un număr de consecinţe adverse la nivel social, de mediu, economic şi politic, cauza fiind lipsa democraţiei în actul de guvernanţă globală. Pentru ca deficitul de democraţie să fie înlăturat, devin imperative crearea instituţiilor … [Read more...]
Saudi Arabia, a New King, a New Beginning
Anghel ANDREESCU, Nicolae RADU The instability in the Middle East, the escalation of the differences in opinions within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), whose members are Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait and Qatar. Certainly, the instability in the Middle East does … [Read more...]
Relaţiile României cu comunitatea europeană – înainte de 1989
Tudor BLÂNDU Teritoriul românesc a fost întotdeauna o parte integrală a continentului european, o sinteză este-vest-sud, diversă ca relief şi de aici o varietate de ocupaţii. Pe de altă parte a fost o zonă dificilă, întrucât aici nu numai se întâlnesc curentele est-vest ci şi au intrat în colerse … [Read more...]
The World War on Democracy
http://johnpilger.com/videos/the-war-on-democracy Lisette Talate died the other day. I remember a wiry, fiercely intelligent woman who masked her grief with a determination that was a presence. She was the embodiment of people’s resistance to the war on democracy. I first glimpsed her in a 1950s … [Read more...]
Libya – Behind the Abstract Concepts of Freedom and Democracy
Oana ŞTEFĂNIŢĂ Within the Arab Spring, Libyan revolution differentiated through the intervention of UN and NATO and degenerated into a civil war. As the events were largely covered in media, the article focuses on highlighting different media frames that were used in accordance with the media … [Read more...]
Primary Forms of Human Rights and Their Evolutionary Trends in Historical Development Process
Jeyhun HUSEYNOV Multi-coloration of human rights causes existence of various and different divisions in scientific literature in relationship with their forms. It means that even if civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights are considered the primary forms of human rights, several … [Read more...]